originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]their are some people that are still alive but they still slightly terrified[/i]
Bramd - old
*He jumps up to higher ground* May I have your attention everyone! -
[i]the remaining people gather around where he standing[/i]
Bramd - old
*He quickly takes a deep breath* The Dragon has been slain -
[i]the small crowd cheers[/i]
Bramd - old
*He takes a deep breath* I apologize for your losses and i will help rebuild this village at no charge. -
[i]the crowd still looks very happy to be freed from the dragon's chaos[/i]
Bramd - old
However... This dragon was a slave. Most likely it was commanded to do this, and there may be more attacks in this village. I ask you all to stay calm and ready yourselves now that you have faced one. Keep your food underground. Make your defenses stronger. Do not let it penetrate -
[i]couple murmurs go through the crowd as he speaks finally a very old woman speaks up[/i] "Young man are you going find and stop this whoever did this to us"says the old woman
Bramd - old
*He smiles under his mask slightly, he's over 20,000 years older than her* Of course I am ma'am. This man shall be brought to justice -
"Very good "says the old woman
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* Alright. It is decided. Tomorrow I will leave and hunt down this dragon slave owner! -
"Okay then godspeed" says the old woman
Bramd - old
*He nods again* Thank you. *He steps down from his podium* -
[i]the old woman nods and the rest off the crowd disperses and start looking through the rumble[/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]fin?[/spoiler] -
[i]yeah [/i]