Bramd - old
*Many imps notice and instantly try to jump on it, trying to slash at it's abdomen* -
[i]the spider just shakes them off with ease then sprays the area with acid hitting alot of imps[/i]
Bramd - old
*The imps hit by the venom scream in terror as they melt into a puddle. Larger imps notice and charge, arms coated in flame* -
[i]from off Gertrude's back jumps several horse sized wolf spiders that quickly out manaveur that imps by jumping aroung them and jumping on their back bite them then jumping off after pumping them full vemon [/i]
Bramd - old
*The imps that are still alive set them on fire. The place is full of burning spiders* -
[i]out of no where crashing through canopy of tree is none other than talath in dragon form. A lot of the spiders die but Gertrude still kicking. Talath land with a loud thud and a roar. Sylvie and mia stand back as talath whips his tail sending alot the imps flying as he slams his tail into them[/i]
Bramd - old
*Some of the Imps that aren't dead retreat. You see Mortar in the distance, struggling slightly* -
[i]talath quickly comes to his aid as he crashes through more trees.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar shields his eyes as you do so with his arm* Talath? -
"Yeah "says talath
Bramd - old
Good to see you again good sir! *He stabs an imp in the center of it's chest* -
"Yes it is heard about you coming back from serenity."says talath [i]talath swats at some of the imp raking them with his claws[/i]
Bramd - old
*Some that are alive hiss at you and attempt to burn you alive. Mortar has his own to worry about but tries to assist you* Yeah, Serenity's a great person. May ask a big question later to her -
[i]he grabs one of the imps smashs it into the ground[/i] "Oh what type"says talath
Bramd - old
*Mortar crushes one's skull with his foot* I would like to ask her to be my girlfriend. She means a lot to me, and I think Hovark wouldn't mind -
[i]talath crushes an imp that gets to close[/i] "Im pretty sure he wouldn't wouldn't mind he speaks highly of you too and i wish you the best of luck when you ask serenity out"says talath
Bramd - old
*Mortar spins 360°, slashing at everything around him* Thanks Talath -
"Yeah your welcome mortar her kids seem like you a whole lot too"says talath [i]talath grabs a imp in his jaws shaking it like a ragdoll before throwing it into a tree[/i]
Bramd - old
Yeah, they were real excited to see me when I came back. *After a moment they all seem to be dead or retreated. Mortar is breathing heavily, he hasn't fought an army of imps that big in a while* -
"Speaking of which i should see if their safe"says talath [i]he breathing heavy but he opens his wings to take off[/i]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/27/2016 2:03:45 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
Hey, before you go, could I come with you? Just let me hop on your back? -
"Yeah hop on"says talath
Bramd - old
Thanks. *Mortar straddles onto your back, ready for you to take off* -
[i]he takes off heading towards the cave[/i]
Bramd - old
*He tries hard not to fall off his back*