originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Main army 7[/u][/b]
[b][i]The lothric Knights are merely dozens now. Oceiros freezes those around him in an attempt to keep his army alive...
Before half of his face is blown off with a rifle. The old dragon falls to the ground, dead, leaving only his Knights behind.[/i][/b]
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" [b]Royal immediately grazes over the battlefield, looking for where the shot came from [/b]
[b]The shot came from a tower on the right side. This one seems armed with turrets.[/b]
"Oh know you've -blam!-ing done it! MERLIN GET THAT THING NOW!" [i]"Alright alright. Sheezh."[/i] [b]Merlin because conjuring a ball of explosive fire, aiming at the Tower [/b]
[b]The tower ignites into flames. Not before a shot fired into royals shoulder.[/b]
[b]He stepped backwards, scoffing [/b] "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT?!" [i]"Sir, please take it easy."[/i] "NO! DAMIEN IS DEAD, as IS OCERIOS! They're going down!" [b]Royal continues upward the slope[/b]
[spoiler]alright move on to a more recent post![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I was just beginning to wonder why there were so little replies [/spoiler]
[b]The Legion rushes to support the few, their bloodlust still unsated... LIL S SMASHES SHIT![/b]
[b]The Deity aims and fires the guass rifle. [/b] "WHOOOO! KEEP IT UP! TAKE EM DOWN! MAN! HOW COULD WE POSSIBLY-" [b]Ropes shoot from the towers. They tie themselves around Big S's legs.[/b]
[b]A few Legion soldiers begin to try to cut the ropes WHILE BIG S STRUGGLES TO GET FREE![/b]
[b]The ropes tug, making Big S trip and fall towards the ground. The deity falling with.[/b] "Ohhhhhhh SHIT!"
[b]BIG S FALLS TO THE GROUND, BUT BECAUSE PHYSICS WORK HE FALLS FORWARDS, CRUSHING BEASTS! The Legate takes out his hunting revolver, and begins to shoot snipers.[/b]
[b]The Deity lands with a roll beside him. Shadow beasts begin climbing all over him.[/b] "GET OFF HIM ASSHOLES!" [b]The deity starts cutting through the beasts that are holding Big S down[/b]
[b]WHOAAAAA! [/b] [b] The deity continues slashing through the beasts. He is completely surrounded but that does not seem to bother him. [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar and ISIC begin to make quick work of the knights, ISIC using his massive plasma tank and miniguns on his back, Mortar slashing at them mercilessly* -
[b]The Knights are slightly confused as to why their own army is attacking them. So they turn their attention from the twilight and rush mortar and ISIC with their blades swinging.[/b] [spoiler]As the great tucker once said... "GOOD JOB YOU TEAM KILLING FU[i]C[/i]KTARD![/spoiler]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/25/2016 7:50:28 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*ISIC suddenly stops fighting* ISIC: MORTAR! THEY'RE WITH US! *Mortar's eyes widen as he backs off* Mortar: Soooo sorry! I didn't Kill Many, hopefully some of them are still alive! [spoiler] Mortar's been ded. He don't know better[/spoiler] -
[b]The lothric Knights do not accept the apology. Without their leader they are like mindless beasts. They continue their vengeful assault on mortar.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar quickly knows he -blam!-ed up and dissolves into the ground. Leaving only ISIC to run away* -
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/25/2016 7:54:36 PM[b]The lothric Knights are distracted, and a missile flies towards them. Killing almost all of them.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar reforms, looking around for the source of the missile. ISIC comes back, a defense matrix spinning around him*