originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The cloaked man looked at the various watches on his wrist. It had been awhile since he had last visited... Let's see... He took down his first target, had a chat with a young man, and attempted to enter the dojo, before blacking out. Side effect of inter-dimension travel. He sighed and looked at his daughter, her black hair and violet eyes standing out in the white skin of hers. He hadn't expected a war, but she should be fine. His eyes gazed at a card. "Neira Camaron." The next target. Putting it away, he reeled toward the dojo with his daughter in tow. He would see himself part of the establishment again, kill the target, and leave. But first he had to get in. [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up to the two, his dark blue katana broadsword mix in hand* Hello you two -
[b]The man's mask adjusts to you, a constant whirring and clicking.[/b] Hello. [b]The girl returns your words with a smile and wave.[/b]
Bramd - old
So, I'm guessing you're not just here to reunite. You have a job you gotta do, do you not? -
Ah. Observant. [b]The girl sighs, and starts pushing her father. [/b] She wants to see the dojo this time.
Bramd - old
Ah, alright. If you don't mind me dragging her along with me while you do whatever -
Appreciated. [b]He pats the girls head and quickly disappears in a cloud of black smoke. It seemed he was confident in his daughter, or you. Best not let him down. [/b]
Bramd - old
*He smiles a little* So, you wanna see the Dojo? -
*Sketch pears over the wall at them.* "Who are you supposed- Hey, I think I know you two..."
[b]The man turns to the voice, though no change could be seen behind the mask. His hand gestures to the girl beside him as he then speaks.[/b] I believe so.
"How are you? I'm sorry, I think I forgot your names..."
Names are not important. What is why there currently seems to be a war going on...
Edited by Skatch142: 8/28/2016 11:12:18 PM"Well, I'm not entirely sure why actually..."
You have no sea why one of the biggest conflicts in this world is going on? You're holding something back.
"I really don't... All I know is there's like this twilight and a fort we have to take over?"
[b]Tesuto seems to be standing outside the gate. Donned in his red samurai armour, two Katanas on each side of his hips. He looked at the man, and bowed.[/b] "Ah. Welcome to the digital dojo. I...am afraid i am the only one here right now. As you see..." [b]The samurai gestures to the dusk that has overtaken the world. The dojo being one of the only places in the light.[/b] "They are stopping the twilight."
[b]The man glances at the dusk, and back to the dojo. His hands twitch under the cloak, gesturing to his daughter. [/b] I assume we are allowed in? [b]The mask over his face represented something you'd see as more of a utility than to hide his identity (think dishonored). The eyes clicked and whirred, presumably zooming in and out? Either way. [/b]
"Ah, yes of course." [b]Tesuto kneels down to the little girl.[/b] "You are safe here. Worry not."
[b]The girl smiled at you, and laughed.[/b] She doesn't speak much. Doesn't need to. [b]He takes a step towards his daughter. A clear sign. Though you seemed friendly, one cannot be too careful. Who knows what hides in a man's soul? [/b]
[b]Tesuto stood, and bowed.[/b] "Welcome to the dojo then. You shall find a place to rest, and eat. If need be, I can give you a tour."
Take her, and please show her around. [b]He kneeled down and whispered into her ear, before standing back up.[/b] I have business to attend to. [b]The man disappears in s cloud of thick-black smoke. Only the girl remains as she looks up at you, expectantly. [/b]
"Ah. Yes. Well follow me small one. I shall show you your home." [b]Tesuto opens the massive gate, and holds it open for the child.[/b]
[b]The girl narrows her eyes and touches the gate with her small and pale hand. She looks back up to you with a frown.[/b] What keeps these from falling?
"Ah. Well they have large hinges on the side you see. As well as some electromagnetic locks which I can activate and de-activate."
No. For I were to push these gates, it an army were to press against them... Would it fall? [b]She takes her hand away with a furrowed brow, before looking up to you once again. [/b]
"It would have to be a very...VERY big army. Why do you ponder these things child?"