originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[u][b]Main army 5[/b][/u]
[b][i]The Telurian army has been wiped out. Their bloodied corpses line just the first fifty steps. The lothric Knights continue to push forward along with the big foot clan, but superior fire power form the towers seems to be mowing them down like grass.
But now, the pathway for the infiltration team is clear. [/i][/b]
[spoiler]Infiltration post will be added tomorrow. MA continue fighting.[/spoiler]
*The Marines begin to focus on the towers, a simple mental command switching the ammo of their weapons to something more... Destructive. Concussive, Singularity, and Static grenades begin to rain down on the towers.*
[b]The targeted towers explode. But in doing so, it made the marines a target. Rifle fire starts raining down on them. [/b]
*Their armor protects them from the fire, but as one is hit in the leg they form a small perimeter and bring up an energy shield around them. They motion for the Dojo forces to join them underneath*
[b]The big foot clan seems to be getting killed quickly. A few Knights of lothric join the military within to quickly recover.[/b]
*The Marines begin to expand the bubble, pulling in shadow creatures that get within reach and dicing them with their armor's blades. The mage of the group begins to chant, starting a healing ritual*
Bramd - old
*Mortar and ISIC, unsure what to do, just try and kill all the Twilight beasts* -
[b]A small group of beasts sprint towards the two of them.[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar slashes at them with his sword while ISIC uses an energy arm cannon to blast them away* -
[b]Riflemen begin to focus fire on ISIC.[/b]
Bramd - old
*ISIC holds a hardlight shield in front of him, a number on his forearm starts at 100% but slowly depletes with every shot* ISIC: If you're going to do something Mortar, do it so they don't take your kneecaps. *As ISIC says this an iron ball is flung at the gunmen, exploding them* Mortar: just activate your defense matrix ISIC, and switch to your turret mode when ready. -
[spoiler]wanna head up to MA 7 and reply there?[/spoiler]
"Talath you need to take out those damn tower there making mess"says nanos "I thought you never ask"says talath [i]talath transforms turning into a jet black dragon that has black wisps coming off him. He takes off quickly flying towards the towers that firing at the army that are trying to infiltrate the castle. He flies over one the towers and starts breathing black flames onto roof tower. He lands roof and starts ripping the roof. Then he sets contents within on fire [/i]
[b]More towers in the area focus fire as the dragon is beginning to get gunned down. [/b]
[i]as just they open up fire on talath. nanos who far below snaps his fingers as he finishes the spell he's casting and some of the towers are engulfed in fiery explosion that causes great damage making some them fall from the blast.[/i]
[spoiler]alright move to a more recent post![/spoiler]
[spoiler]okay i will but for such a late response i was busy yesterday[/spoiler]
[spoiler]all good [/spoiler]
FOR THE FEET!!!! [b]i jump into battle[/b]
[spoiler]There we go![/spoiler] [b]Shadow beasts pounce on Tubbs, knocking him down the stairs. A hand comes down to help him up.[/b] ???: "Hey! Are you-" [b]As Tubbs looks up, he realizes. It's Harken, of the Kage clan. A Surprised, and horrendously angry look crosses his face as he stares down at Tubbs.[/b]
[b]i smile[/b] Miss me?
"Why you son of a Bitch!" [b]Harken puts his boot on Tubbs throat and cocks his silenced scar-L. He aims it towards Tubbs head when suddenly...[/b] Eric: "HARKEN!" [b]Harken looks towards his leader, Eric.[/b] "It's him Eric! That asshole!" "No shit Eric." "He killed them! All of them!" "He did. But I don't know if you noticed, we have other matters at hand! Get off of him." "But-" "Get. Off." [b]Harken takes his boot off of Tubbs throat. And Eric walks over. Offering his own hand to Tubbs.[/b]
Ha! Afraid of this guy Hark? Thought you were better than that. Anyways, I have to agree with Eric. We got worse things to worry about. Find me after all this and I'll kill ya. [spoiler]will I see them again or do i have to kill them now?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]who said you have to kill them?[/spoiler] [spoiler]And they are apart of the infiltration numbnuts[/spoiler] [b]The two figures look at each other. Eric takes his hand back, not helping Tubbs up.[/b] "Ya. You have fun with that, dick. Just don't get in our way when we take the castle." [b]The two assassins start making their way to the passage, Harken "accidentally" kicking tubbs in the leg as he does so. [/b]
[b]when he kicks me I throw a rock at the back of his head and I get up[/b]
[b]The Legion continues their assault on the snipers, and their aim is true. BIG S IS STILL WRECKING STUFF![/b]