originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Reform 3: -blam!- Tests
Seriously. Screw the testing process. It's inconvenient, annoying and its prevented dozens of potential members from entering the dojo. If you wanna join? Then just join! Just make sure to follow the rules. BUT! I'd like to list a few different options that you guys could pick from.
>Completly remove tests
>Testing is only required to do pvp
-Sketch added an idea like a mentor system. So people could be shown the ropes by volunteered members, until they have their test. Being a mentor would make you a more likely candidate for becoming a lieutenant.
>Testing should be mandatory for everything
Bramd - old
Second one... But if they don't do PVP they can choose whether they would like to fight or not -
Exactly! And it's still all inclusive!
Second one.
As a rite of passage for PVP.
I knew you would like this One! Join up buddy!
Edited by Skatch142: 8/24/2016 2:45:03 AMMaybe there could be a sort of mentor thing for them... If they don't know how to RP then the "mentor" is supposed to tell them how... The mentor has to reply to there first (enter number here) posts and the mentor needs to watch the way they RP... So they don't need to have a test, but they can be supervised to make sure they aren't trying to kill other people or messing up stories or just generally f#%&ing stuff up.
Well that's why I think Option 2 is neat. They can train and learn the ropes, then when they are ready, they can take the test
Well, people can still cause problems in PVE as well... But the "mentor" would just be someone who watches them to make sure they know what they're doing and won't cause problems, and if they do cause problems then there will be a strike system. Now, they can avoid getting a strike if whoever they RP with says it's fine...
Mentor system....that's a good one
REMOVE My friend tried to get in a few months ago, but no one would finish testing him. :(
Lol he probably deserved it
You asshole
I know :)
[b]becomes Sherlock Holmes to try and figure out what you said for -blam!-[/b]
He said f*ck... It's pretty obvious...
[b]Twas a joke young one[/b] [spoiler]he could of said Dang though [/spoiler]
You may have been joking, but I'm not. *Dramatic music.* Okay, maybe I'm joking now... [spoiler]You don't say "dang tests!" The way he was using it... Dang, is usually used to show how bad something is, like "those dang tests!" Dang, and d#%& aren't replacements for f#%&.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeah, he might've been saying that kiddo[/spoiler]