Bramd - old
*Mortar sits next to Sketch* Hey. That thing's still there? Thought it would have disappeared by now -
"No... It only goes away if William dies..."
Bramd - old
I'm sorry Sketch *Mortar sits next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder* Do you have any idea where... Where he could be? -
"No... I-I don't..."
Bramd - old
I'm sorry Sketch. Id there any way around it? -
"Well, when Vorim touches the collar it temporary [i]disables[/i] it... But that's it..."
Bramd - old
Well that's good... Strange, how can Vorim do that? -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/25/2016 7:01:36 PM"We don't know... He just touches it and it changes color and stops choking me when I try to fight..."
Bramd - old
That's... Good. That's great, we can use that... Anything else bothering you? I don't think that's the only thing -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/25/2016 8:18:29 PM"Well, you already know that I have nightmares, but since William put the collar on me they have gotten much, much worse..."
Bramd - old
Worse? What do you mean, Sketch? What's bothering you? -
"I dream that I'm in a cage or shackles... And I don't even have control of myself in the dream... I just sit there, doing nothing. Like I have completely lost my free will..."
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs a little* I know how that feels, that was pretty much my soul when Garuud stole it. Wait, we're going off topic. How long has this been going on? -
"Since I got the collar..."
Bramd - old
Oh... I think I know what's going on. William is making this happen to you to make you feel hopeless and therefore bend you to his will. It's cruel, but I gotta admit very ingenious, I've used a similar tactic in the good old days to get prisoners to turn themselves in or kill themselves. -
"No, I-I don't think that's it... I mean... Maybe..."
Bramd - old
It's most likely that... Not the point. The point is I can help you cope with these nightmares. -
"I don't know... I use lucid dreaming to help with my normal nightmares... But these just seem so real already..."
Bramd - old
Oh, I can't help change the dreams, I can just help with not... Not giving in to him. -
"I-I don't think I need help with that... Others have tried..."
Bramd - old
I will -
"Will what?"
Bramd - old
I will help you Sketch -
"O-Okay... But I won't give in to it... Again, others have tried to use mind control and that kind of thing..."
Bramd - old
I don't have that type of ability. I can only really give you moral support.