originally posted in:Refer A Friend Quest
Looking to complete the Refer a Friend quest, and obtain that sweet loot! :)
I am also hoping to make a new Friend... Hopefully, we will get along, and continue playing together in the future! Who knows, if we get along well, I hope the (Referee) will consider joining my Clan. This is an invite!
A little bit about me:
I am 36, married w/ children, so I guess that characterizes me as an "adult" gamer. :) my kids say I joke around too much, though... There are plenty of Shooters out there, but I think it would be hard to find someone as Passionate about the game as I am. I've been playing since the Beta, and I really enjoy the game, top to bottom.
I am super patient, chill, and friendly. I am also polite, and willing to help. Guardians who hit me up know that if I can't make it, they'll get a REPLY, YES or NO, instead of waiting, in vain, in Orbit, for 10 mins. :)
I am also very persistent... I do not like to quit any activity until it is DONE. I'm not the rage quit type, but sure, it is possible to lag-switch me back to Orbit (stop cheating, laggers! lol) . :)
I play almost everyday, I'm on EST. Moments of Triumph, (year 1 and 2), Achieved.
Get at me - let's Get It!
Hello Guardians, Still looking for a (Referee) to start this quest with me. LOL I got a couple replies, but you need to have only owned Destiny for 7 days or LESS. Hit me up if your down to do this... Link to the rules for Refer a Friend: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13962 Thanks, magnus