Bramd - old
*He knees your lower jaw as he forms his sword and takes the blob out* NO ONE WANTS A SECOND TUBBS -
Edited by JealousOrc: 8/23/2016 8:25:15 PMWoah woah woah. [b]time stops as I talk[/b] You're supposed to say something before hitting me. Try again. [b]it rewinds and you fix your mistake(I just saved you the trouble of making another post)[/b] [b]you hit me in the face and I stumble back, I then roundhouse kick ya face and take the blob [/b]
Bramd - old
Pass. *He slashes at your ankle before you kick him* -
[b]i jump before it hits me[/b] [b]i then head butt you[/b]
Bramd - old
*He punches your head before you headbutt me* -
Edited by JealousOrc: 8/23/2016 8:30:18 PM[b]i get hit again and stumble back[/b] [b]i do a front flip and mid flip I extend my feet and hit your face[/b]
Bramd - old
*He recoils a little bit then slashes at your stomach* -
[b]i duck and tackle you [/b]
Bramd - old
*He groans but stabs at your dominant arm* -
[b]i grab your hand before it hits me and I attempt to hold it back[/b] [b]i then open a portal under us and another really high in the air[/b] [b]we conveniently land on an airplane wing and defy logic for the sake of looking cool[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar shrugs as he stabs your gut* -
[b]a little kid looking through his window starts crying[/b] [b]i Sparta kick you with super strength[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar is holding onto the end of a wing* Are we really fighting over a blob? *He dissolves through the wing and under you, flinging you up* -
Edited by JealousOrc: 8/24/2016 8:33:10 PM[b]logic kicks back in and when I'm flipped up I grab you and we both start falling[/b] It's a blob that I need to teach!!! [b]i get on top of you and start smacking you[/b] [spoiler]still falling [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*He makes you get off by flipping over so he's on top then forming a flaming iron ball between the two of you* -
[b]i move around the ball and back to you by acting as if I'm swimming[/b] [b]i roll you over under me[/b]
Bramd - old
*He kicks you off, then takes his plasma sniper off his back, aiming at your arms* -
Huehuehue. [b]we hit the ground and make holes in it shaped like us and go 10 feet in the ground [/b] [b]we don't get hurt though for the sake of me not killing us both because my decision to make us leave the kitchen[/b] [b]we jump out and look awesome[/b] [b]i Sparta kick you with super strength [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar shoots you in the knee before you can* -
[b]i kick through the pain and make a fire spear fly through your hand[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar grunts a little as he catches the fire spear, thanking the Underworld for giving him fire resistance, and fires a few more rounds at you* -
[b]i use my pants and uppercut you with super strength [/b]
Bramd - old
*he is knocked up about ten feet, then activates his electric stimulant, making his limbs longer, stronger. Three arms protrude from his back, attached to them a badass cannon. A Cannon which is rammed into you* -
[b]since I used my Pants the cannon didn't hurt me but did knock me back about 10 feet[/b] Oh? Evolving are we? [b]i turn into a werewolf pretty much[/b] [b]i tackle him and scratch his face with my claws[/b]
Bramd - old
*He quickly kicks you off* DAMMIT TUBBS!