originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]hovark sighs[/i]
"I don't know why she came here. She a disgrace" says hovark
Bramd - old
Well... What did she do? To become a disgrace? -
"She killed my sister and father then ate them"says hovark
Bramd - old
Oh, damn. *He looks at Willow flying away* -
"Yeah..she a cannibal and she is known to eat humans too"says hovark [i]he look at his mother disappearing from veiw[/i] "I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of her either lets just hope she doesn't ransack the nearby villages"says hovark
Bramd - old
Should've killed her -
"Yeah..probably"says hovark
Bramd - old
Point is we didn't. And if she comes back with something heinous over her head we'll be ready -
"Yeah will we be "says hovark
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs* I'm gonna go back and play with the kids if you wanna come with.