originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Just outside the front gates of the Dojo, the air begins to churn. For a moment nothing happens, then: a massive swirling mass of purple forms for a moment, and dissipates. Left in the small crater formed, a mechanical suit of armor staggers to it's feet, clutching it's head.[/b]
"Oi...Hate that part...Wai-"
[b]The armor makes a retching noise, as if the occupant were vomiting. It then looks around.[/b]
"This place again? COME ON!"
[b]The armor looks left, and sees a snake staring at him. He tilts his head, then flips it off.[/b]
"-blam!- you, Lutece. You suck."
Bramd - old
Yes it's this place again. *A figure walks up to you. He seems strange. He's thin, just reaching 5'10", but the odd things are his blazing crimson eyes* Who're you? -
[b]A hologram of the machine pops up in front of you, tilting it's head.[/b] "Steel-Unit#33. I seek entry."
Bramd - old
Ah, of course. You'll need a qualified tester, and lucky for you I just so happen to be one -
[b]The hologram dissapears. With a blue glow, Steel-Unit#33 appears in front of you, a sharp looking rifle holsterd on it's back.[/b] "Excellent. Shall we begin?"
Bramd - old
Eh, I got nothing else to do. *Before you can react a flaming iron ball nails you in the chest* -
[b]A sizeable dent forms in the machine's plating.[/b] "Ow. I think you almost ruptred my power supply." [b]A blue glow manifests around the droid, a small ball forming in it's hand. It thrust's it outward, the orb hurtling towards you.[/b]
Bramd - old
*He is knocked back slightly, but recoils and draws his sword. It's a four and a half foot long dark blue katana broadsword mix with ominous emerald green flames dancing around it. He lunges at you, blade aimed for your chest* -
[b]#33 twists to the left, the blade grazing his front plate. It grabs the rifle off it's back, fireing a dozen rounds at you.[/b]
Bramd - old
*About three or four rounds hit his chest, his clothing absorbing it, before dissolving into the ground. He reforms behind you, slashing at you with his sword* -
[b]A sizable gash forms in the machine's back. Sparks pour from it for a second.[/b] "Re-routing power. Query: What is the criteria for entry?" [b]#33 twists around firing it's weapon again. This time where the rounds impacted, a swirilling mass of red and purple forms, ripping fabric apart.[/b]
[b]A purple-red bubble forms around the battle, the rounds fly back into #33's weapon, the weapon's recoil playing backwards. The bubble dispels, rounds once again flinging from his rifle, though the spread has changed. After the rounds finish moving, the machine retches.[/b] "What the -blam!-?"
[spoiler]Hey. Are you dead?[/spoiler]
[b]You see a young man in a green suit and boater hat.[/b] Hi, i guess.
[b]The armored man walks up to the suited one.[/b] "Yes, Hello. I seek entry."
You need to wait for a qualified fighter. But we can fight regardless, I'm Luke.
[b]A very sharp looking rifle folds out of the machine's back.[/b] "I assume that you wish to engange in battle then? I am refered to as Steel-Unit#33."
Well. Here goes nothing. [b]he shows his bulky looking knuckle dusters[/b]
[b]The machine jumps into the air for a second, blue aura forming around it's body. In the blink of an eye, it is upon Luke, slamming it's fist into the ground with a devastating energy wave.[/b] "Initiating standard attack protocol."
[b]he jumps up aswell. Aiming his fists at him and unleashing a volley of rounds [/b]
[b]While several rounds in the volley miss the armor, some hit their mark. The machine staggers as the rounds impact it in the torso. The machine grabs it's rifle and begins to spray a barrage of purple-red rounds in Luke's direction.[/b]
Crap. [b]he lands and bends down, some skim his back and he bends back up with the feeling like he got cut down the back.[/b] Ohh that was hot! [b]he charges towards you.[/b]
[b]With a blue glow, the Unit#33 teleports behind Like, holstering it's rifle.[/b] "Apologies, but I have te possiblity of access. This session will have to be postponed."
[b]breaks out of character[/b] I guess you heard about the changes?