Bramd - old
From what I can gather, yes. But your grandpa is strong, he won't let anyone get in. And if he can't then I won't -
"Okay but she smelled like death mortar"says syrilth
Bramd - old
I know, I don't like them being outside by themselves... I'm gonna check on Hovark, make sure he's doing okay. I'll be right back. *Mortar leaves and walks out to Hovark* -
"Okay but becareful"says syrilth
Bramd - old
I will. *Mortar walks out to see Hovark and Willow* -
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 8/23/2016 8:12:47 PM[i]they still talking in dragon hovark has his arms crossed shaking his head. Willow doesn't look very happy she just turns and starts walking away but not before transforming into a large green dragon that hide is heavily scarred with claw marks but not just any claw marks the look like they were made by other dragons. She then flies away taking off and quickly disappearing over the horizon[/i]
Bramd - old
Hovark! What was that about? *He walks up to Hovark, a look of concern on his face* -
[i]hovark sighs[/i] "I don't know why she came here. She a disgrace" says hovark
Bramd - old
Well... What did she do? To become a disgrace? -
"She killed my sister and father then ate them"says hovark
Bramd - old
Oh, damn. *He looks at Willow flying away* -
"Yeah..she a cannibal and she is known to eat humans too"says hovark [i]he look at his mother disappearing from veiw[/i] "I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of her either lets just hope she doesn't ransack the nearby villages"says hovark
Bramd - old
Should've killed her -
"Yeah..probably"says hovark
Bramd - old
Point is we didn't. And if she comes back with something heinous over her head we'll be ready -
"Yeah will we be "says hovark
Bramd - old
*Mortar sighs* I'm gonna go back and play with the kids if you wanna come with.