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Edited by Ragnellz, Gaze of Nezarec: 8/23/2016 7:40:08 PM

Who else can remember the last time they had fun in crucible?

It's feels too strict right now, not having as much fun as I had before in crucible. Also the maps are now boring, can we have all of them in the rotation? Edit: We are trending! Still fun to go as team in crucible, playing as a solo player is kind of boring.

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  • I find rift a blast I don't play it too often to keep it fresh but the only time I feel like I'm not having fun is when I'm playing iron banner and trying to complete a bounty or trials

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  • I've found that the only game modes that are actually any fun nowadays are Freelance 6v6 and Zone Control. Mayhem Clash is fun but only for Gunslingers and Stormtrancers.

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  • Mayhem Slayer that is all. Everything else is always full of bs snipers or stupid Titan chargers.

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  • Year 1.

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  • Man. I don't. Everything Crucible just makes me wanna punch baby Fallen.

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  • Edited by Novastone: 8/24/2016 3:57:52 PM
    During HoW. Haven't had fun since from this game's PvP.

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  • It was like 4 iron banners ago. I had a great time because it wasnt laggy and its wasnt overly sweaty not too many mida tlw and doctrine. I was able to do all 3 of my characters with the no land beyond. Last night i tried to play some rift and it dropped me into a match that was a 6 man team spawn trapping the shit out of me and everyone who joined would quit. And that happened two more times then i was just getting such long load times i just said screw it. Really disappointed that all i seem to get in rift is people trying to pub stomp or lag switch a victory. Its ruining the game. I cant play rift anymore which i used to enjoy but now it takes me 8 minutes to find an match thats just me getting destroyed before i can even try. Like literally they had someone at every spawn and just shooting you before you could move and it took so long to get in i didnt wanna quit and wait another 8 min before i could get a new match. But every match i got was the same. Im tired of not being able to get just a casual match of pvp. Sometimes i dont want to have to be sweat af. I wanna be able to mess around and have a good time witout going 3-19 getting tbagged because im trying something different.

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  • I can. It was yesterday...

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  • When I used voidwalker back in Year One

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    • YEARS!

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    • Yesterday actually in team doubles. It was one of the best experiences in crucible I've ever had. It was a close game, and since both teams were constantly going back and forth there were a lot of emote trashing going on. I thought it was all in good fun but when my random teammate and I beat the pair they sent hate mail when I went to say GG. So we scheduled a rematch when private matches come out.

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      • I have fun in it a lot, especially in combined arms, which is in my opinion the best style. I think what people need to get used to is lag and latency. It does suck, trust me I know, but what can you do. If it makes you that mad, and is that upsetting you don't have to play it.

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      • Probably 3 days ago after I got Finnala's Peril with my clan. I rarely have fun in PvP anymore but it playing with friends makes it slightly better.

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        4 Replies
        • Vertigo, Bannerfall, Vertigo, Widow's Court, Vertigo, Frontier, Vertigo, Frontier, Vertigo, Rusted Lands and Vertigo are the only damn maps in rotation seems like.

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          3 Replies
          • Just waiting for new games to finally come out on ps4 battlefield 1 looks like it could be fun or titanfall

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            • Monday, Iron Banner.

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            • 1
              Last night, doubles. Had two great games with matchmade partner. Overall seems to be less red barring to me since I stopped playing PvP a month or so ago because it was so bad.

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            • This iron banner. Havent played for months saw the helmet was up this week. Only had one game under 1.0 most of them were in the 3.0s. I would suggest getting an ethernet cord, stop listening to the meta, the meta is a lie btw and headshots everyday. If you kill someone with out hitting their head a majority of the time 9/10 times in trials you would have died. If you want to have fun learn how to aim for their skull.

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              • IB rift , for life dawg

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              • When the Hopscotch Pilgrim nailed 42 damage Headshots with No Recoil

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              • Everytime i play i have fun

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              • Today on my restarted hunter. Apparently sbmm carries over your previous stats so I had to do my best on my lvl 25 hunter with all VoG gear and a Murmur. Was very fun actually. Murmur is great for stopping shotty rushers. If only it had a modern counterpart...

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                5 Replies
                • I'm having fun taking it easy and farming Three of Coins.

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                • Several months at last count. Even wins aren't fun due to the inconsistent behaviour of the Crucible.

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                • Equip nlb, enjoy

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                • Most prob last night, there is a lot of bs in Destiny but I still have fun and do quite well. If your not having fun and feel like it's a grind, don't play it dude

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