originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]A girl on an old horse rode up to the gate of the dojo. She carefully guided her horse up the rocky steps, making her way to the gate. She approached cautiously, and knocked, yet no one came.
"Hello? Anyone home?" She called out, yet no one answered. She knocked again, yet still no one came.
Frustrated she turned around and mounted her horse.
She began to leave, yet just as she did she heard the gates creak open. Her hand instinctively darted to the katana on her back. She realized she didn't need it.
She dismounted and began walking towards the open gate.[/i]
Bramd - old
*A thin man, about 5'10 walks up to you. He has oak brown hair, and crimson eyes* Hello ma'am. -
[i]Tessa walks up to the man. "Hey. I'm Tessa. Who are you?" [/i]
Bramd - old
*He smiles a little, acknowledging your response* Mortar. My name is Mortar. How long have you been riding? The two of you look starved. -
*The face of a cat/wolf creature peaks out through the gates at her. Most of the fur on his face is blue but the rest of the fur is slate colored. He has a wolf-like snout but it's a little shorter and he has a catlike nose. His upper canine teeth poke out of his mouth and he has bright green eyes as well as a light blue tuft of fur between his large ears that resembles a Mohawk. Around his neck is a strange looking collar made out of black fog.* "Who are you supposed to buh?" *He speaks with a strange, unidentifiable accent.*
[b]i ride out on a brown horse[/b] [b]i've got a brown old trench coat, old dusty jeans, a cowboy hat, and whatever shirt Cowboys wear[/b] Howdy partner.
[i]The girl looks up at the man on the horse. Nervously she walks a little closer. "Umm. Hi. I'm Tessa."[/i]
I'm Sargentubbs. But you can call me Tubbs. [spoiler]i wear different outfits sometimes[/spoiler] [spoiler]like various versions of me[/spoiler] [spoiler]not always a cowboy [/spoiler]
[i]"Nice to meet you I guess?" Tessa nervously says, "Do you have any food? It's been a long journey." She pulls out her katana, examining the blade to make sure it's sharp. Content, Tessa places the blade in its sheath.[/i]
Yeah. Wadda ya want?
[i]"Anything is fine. I'm just hungry. And some food for my horse." Tessa waits, examining the stranger.[/i]
[b]i throw an apple to you[/b] For your horse. [b]i throw a cookie to you[/b] For you.
[i]Tessa grabs the cookie. "Thanks." She chews the cookie, and gives the pole to the horse.[/i]
So you want to join the Dojo I assume?
[i]Tessa considers the question. "Yes. I do." She enters through the door. "Do I get a room?" She waits excitedly, finally feeling like she has a place.[/i]
Yeah. Right over there. [b]i point to your room[/b]
[i]"Thank you!" Tessa walks over to her new room and puts her stuff down. She sets up her bed.[/i]
Well before you join you have to be tested
[i]"What do I have to do?" Tessa asks curiously. She continues to study the man. [/i]
Fight me.
[spoiler]does she...?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i didn't think we changed that yet[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i won't do that[/spoiler] [spoiler]they're ignoring me anyways[/spoiler]
[i]when you get closer to the gate a man with silver wings steps out with a staff that looks like two silver and gold snakes coiling around each other strapped to his back. He is wearing light blue robes standing next to him are two black fluffy cats. He looks at you with his hazel eyes. So do the cats [/i] "Greetings who are you"says the man
[i]Nervously, the girl approaches. She pushes her hair out of her eyes, and steps toward the man. "I'm Tessa. I came looking for help." She waits nervously, twirling a dagger around with her hands. [/i]