Bramd - old
[spoiler]I got that.[/spoiler] *Mortar starts walking over to Hovark's cave, calling for him* -
[i]hovark is out front of the cave with syrilth. He notices who it before he says anything syrilth notices the woman and hides behind hovark.[/i] "Who that lady grampa?"asks syrilth "Go to your mother syrilth"says hovark "But grampa.." says syrilth "Go on now"says hovark [i]syrilth goes inside the cave to your mom[/i] "Well well look who it is"says hovark [i]he crosses his arms not looking very happy when sees her[/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]I'm surprised that he didn't react to seeing Mortar alive and well[/spoiler] *Mortar seems to be uncomfortable with the awkward silent exchange between Hovark and his mother* So... -
"Is that all you have to say to your mother"says williow "I have more to say but i will not argue with while the kids are in ear shot"says hovark [i]he looks over and notices mortar[/i] "Welcome back mortar all of them will be happy to see you."says hovark "If you expect a apology for what i did im not going too"says willow "Why i am i not surprised but if you think that i will let you around serenity's kids you got another thing coming"says hovark coldly
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods slightly as he silently forms his sword behind his back, in case it gets ugly* -
"Looks like you finally grew back bone "says willow "I don't why you came back especially after what you did to my father and my little sister. You have no right to call yourself a mother after what you did to them"says hovark
Bramd - old
I'm just gonna go... Say hi to everyone in the cave. *As he walks past Hovark he whispers in his ear* Call me if things go south. -
"Mhm"says hovark [i]you can hear all four of the kids in the back playing and carrying on. When you get to serenity's room you can see all four them playing together. Serenity is watching all of them play and she doesn't notice you right away[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles as he enters* Guess who has two thumbs and is back from the dead? *He points his thumbs to himself* This guy! Hey everyone! Aww, you're so big! -
[i]jura stops what he's doing looks a grins ear to ear[/i] "Mortar!!"says jura [i]the others look up then come over and greet him[/i]
Bramd - old
Hey! *Mortar runs up to everyone and hugs them* Oh, it's great to see you all! -
"Yeah its great to see you back" says serenity "I missed you "says syrilth "Guess what mortar auntie got boyfriend you'll never guess who"venia says giggling "It so cool that your back"says sivath "Yeah "says jura "Its nice to see that your back"says serenity [i]leyla just giggles seeing all four swarm him[/i]
Bramd - old
It's great to be back! Wait, Leyla has a boyfriend? Who!? -
"She's dating sketch "says venia "Yeah she is but she hasn't told grampa yet so shh" says syrilth
Bramd - old
That's awesome! Didn't know that she was dating Sketch. Then again I have been dead for almost two months, so... -
"Yeah they have been for awhile now and they look so cute together"says syrilth
Bramd - old
I bet they do. A catwolf and a mermaid dragon hybrid, I can imagine they are. *Mortar begins thinking what their kids would look like* -
"Yes they are and you look like your lost in thought mortar"says venia
Bramd - old
Oh, sorry, I was just thinking of what the kids would look like, being a cat wolf mermaid dragon hybrid. -
"Who knows mortar cause it would be a mystery to us too cause us dragons lay eggs. but we're able take human form so she could give birth also. So its a mystery so i guess we just wait see what happens between those two"says venia "I wouldn't even know"says syrilth [i]syrilth starts thinking about it also[/i]
Bramd - old
I'm wondering if they'll have fur at all, the only mammal I know that lay eggs is the Platypus, and they have soft fur... -
"Well their mama wasn't a dragon and she gave birth to them so maybe she could too"says venia "Maybe they will be fuzzy like sketch and be able to turn into a dragon"says syrilth
Bramd - old
Maybe... Maybe they could become wyverns, they're kind of like a mix of a dragon and a mammal, right? -
"Im not sure never met one"says venia "But who know anything can happen"says syrilth
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles* You're right Syrilth