-Oh, thanks.- "So, anyways would you like to meet Sapphire and Vorim'Tairn?"
Bramd - old
Of course, lead me to them -
"Okay, I think Sapphire's in the box and Vorim's in his apartment..."
Bramd - old
Ah, alright. *Mortar follows Sketch* -
[spoiler]Sorry about that.[/spoiler] *When they reach the box, Sketch opens the door and calls in.* "Sapphire! There's someone you may want to meet!" [u]Okay, one sec.[/u] *She comes out and her eyes widen when she sees Mortar.* [u]Aren't you the dead guy from like, the day after I got stuck on this planet?[/u]
Bramd - old
Oh, yeah, I am. Name's Mortar -
[u]Well, uh... Nice to meet you Mortar.[/u] *She holds out her hand for him to shake.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles, delivering a firm handshake* So how long have you been here? -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/23/2016 3:21:46 PM[u]I've been here a while... Nothing compared to some of the others here... I came the day before you died...[/u]
Bramd - old
*he nods a little* Well, 2 months isn't bad -
[u]No, it's not. Vorim has been here for an even shorter amount of time.[/u]
Bramd - old
Cool. Can I meet this Vorim? -
"Yeah, he's probably in his apartment. There's some stuff I need to do though... It's great seeing you again Mortar and I'm glad you're back!" *Sketch hugs Mortar again.*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/23/2016 5:46:00 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*He hugs you back again* Great to see you too bud -
*He pulls away.* "Well, I've gotta go. Saph, could you take him to Vorim's apartment?" [u]I'd be happy to.[/u] "Okay, thanks. Bye." *Sketch walks off.* [u]Okay, follow me.[/u] *Sapphire starts walking in the direction of the apartment building.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows, smiling a little as he does so* -
*She slows down to walk beside you.* [u]I assume you already know how to get to the apartment building... Anyways, Sketch spoke very highly of you and he was extremely upset when you died.[/u]
Bramd - old
He did? Excuse me if I sound strange, but I kind of like that. Means I have a good friend to count on -
[u]Sketch is like that. He forms a very close connection with most of the people he knows and if they die then it really hurts him.[/u]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I'm like that too... That can be a problem sometimes. I don't want to cave in by a betrayal or hostage situation -
[u]Sketch is okay if there's a hostage situation, but of course he's still extremely worried. But if someone dies or betrays us or him, that's when he gets upset.[/u]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I guess that's true. He's a good person, I don't wanna see him upset, I don't wanna see any of my friends upset -
[u]Yeah, neither do I.[/u]
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* So you're his cousin? -
[u]Yeah and Vorim is his brother.[/u]