Bramd - old
Ooh, that sounds awful. You can't fight anyone? At all?? That sounds awful. *He puts a hand on your shoulder* Is there any way I can help? -
"I don't know..." *He looks down.*
Bramd - old
Wait, you have your sniper, right? So you can indirectly fight? Like a loophole or something? -
"If I even think about hurting someone it will choke me..."
Bramd - old
Oh, okay... That's awful. Who did this to you? -
"Do you remember W-William?"
Bramd - old
That tool? Yeah I remember him. Tried to take him though he's more of a monstrosity than you'll ever be -
Bramd - old
You were saying? -
"Well he came back and tried to take me again and he put this collar on me."
Bramd - old
He did it again? Oh, COME ON -
"Yeah..." *He looks down.*
Bramd - old
It's okay. We'll find him, he will die. -
"I hope- ACK!" *The collar tightens around his neck.*
Bramd - old
Sketch! *He tries to pry his fingers between your neck and your collar, trying to stop it from tightening* -
*The second he touches it, it tightens more. Sketch pushes him away and after a couple seconds it stops choking him.*
Bramd - old
Are you okay!? *He walks back up to Sketch* -
"Y-Yeah... Touching it makes it even worse..."
Bramd - old
I'm sorry, I didn't know -
"It's fine... Hey, you haven't met Sapphire or Vorim'Tairn yet have you?"
Bramd - old
I don't think I met either of them. -
"Oh, well come in then!"
Bramd - old
*Mortar smiles and jumps off the wall on the other side, on the inside of the Dojo* You still have Malik? -
"Yeah I d- GAH!!!" *Malik swoops down and lands on Sketch's head.* -Mortar?! Is that you!?-
Bramd - old
Hey Malik, how've you been?