*She slows down to walk beside you.* [u]I assume you already know how to get to the apartment building... Anyways, Sketch spoke very highly of you and he was extremely upset when you died.[/u]
Bramd - old
He did? Excuse me if I sound strange, but I kind of like that. Means I have a good friend to count on -
[u]Sketch is like that. He forms a very close connection with most of the people he knows and if they die then it really hurts him.[/u]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I'm like that too... That can be a problem sometimes. I don't want to cave in by a betrayal or hostage situation -
[u]Sketch is okay if there's a hostage situation, but of course he's still extremely worried. But if someone dies or betrays us or him, that's when he gets upset.[/u]
Bramd - old
Yeah, I guess that's true. He's a good person, I don't wanna see him upset, I don't wanna see any of my friends upset -
[u]Yeah, neither do I.[/u]
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods* So you're his cousin? -
[u]Yeah and Vorim is his brother.[/u]
Bramd - old
I didn't know he had a brother, he never really did talk about his life back at his home -
[u]No, he didn't. It's understandable that he didn't want to talk about Vorim'Tairn... Despite Vorim being his older brother, Sketch kind of took care of him.[/u]
Bramd - old
Makes sense. Though I probably would have talked about Cyan more had I known her... Why did she have to leave? -
[u]A lot of people have been leaving... This place has been going downhill as of late and a lot of them decided to just pack up and leave instead of actually trying to stay and help.[/u]
Bramd - old
I know that this place is going downhill. I contemplated leaving, actually, but I couldn't. I wanted to help -
[u]Thank you... More people leaving is the last thing we need and if they really wanted to show that they care then they would come back.[/u]
Bramd - old
Yeah but first we Definitely need to fix this place. I don't mean to break the fourth wall but the main post should be the MAIN POST, not just the lobby for everything else -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/23/2016 7:47:01 PM[u]Yeah, I agree.[/u] *The fourth wall falls over and you can hear someone shout [i]My leg!!! My leg!!![/i]. Sapphire turns around to look at them.* [u]Oh, shut up already! I've had three trees, five strikers and a morbidly obese llama fall on me! You'll survive![/u] *She turns back around and keeps walking.* [u]Anyways, we're almost at the apartments now...[/u]
Bramd - old
Alright then... Just... Lead me there, I'm eager to meet Vorim -
[u]Okay.[/u] *A minute later, they reach the building. She opens the door for him and then follows him in and starts walking up a flight of stairs.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows* What floor is he on? -
[u]The third.[/u] *She goes up another flight of stairs.*
Bramd - old
Ah, so not too far away. *Mortar continues following, skipping every other step* -
*When they get to the third floor she walks over to a door and knocks on it.* [u]Hey, Vorim, you in there? It's Sapphire.[/u] *A couple seconds later he opens the door.* [u][b]What is it?[/b][/u] *He looks at Mortar and starts looking a little nervous.* [u][b]Wh-Who are you?[/b][/u] *He doesn't make eye contact.*
Bramd - old
*Mortar puts on a welcoming face* Hello, sir. My name is Mortar. *He holds out his hand to shake* I am a good friend of Sketch. -
"I Vorim'Tairn. Nice meet you." *He hesitates but shakes Mortar's hand.*