[i]leyla opens the gate and sees mortar. She goes pale thinking that he a ghost or something [/i] "Mmortar?!?!" Says leyla "Your real right not a dream...i saw you get buried...you can't be real"says leyla [i]shes shaking in fear as she looks at him[/i]
Bramd - old
*He smiles as he embraces you* I'm back -
"Welcome back more you have missed quite a bit the four little ones have gotten even bigger and can fly now. So much to for you catch up on "says leyla
Bramd - old
*After a moment he takes a step back* I would love to hear everything about it -
"Okay well lets see just recently we had a small insendent involving two strangers capturing syrilth and hovark but serenity got them back and boy was she pissed.i think she either ate them or ripped them apart. Oh me and sketch are dating now he just asked me to marry him not too long ago so were engaged now not a lot people know yet he wants to talk hovark for it"says leyla "But there's loads more"says leyla
Bramd - old
You're engaged to Sketch? That's amazing! I wish the two of you the best of wishes. *After he says that the rest of what Leyla says sinks in* Wait, Hovark and Syrilth were kidnapped? -
"Yeah it was awful serenity stayed up for almost two days straight looking for them and when she found the men the took them it wasn't pretty for them"says leyla [i]she shudders slightly remembering their screams[/i] "Thank you and their safe now but hovark was sick for few days cause they drugged him with a powerful sedative but he's fine now"says leyla
Bramd - old
Good to hear that they're better now. -
"Yeah but syrilth is very wary strangers now"say leyla
Bramd - old
I would expect that, being kidnapped that young... -
"Yeah but shes more friendly to some of the newer dojo members the twins to be extact real nice girls hard to tell them apart she likes their cat ears"says leyla
Bramd - old
Wait, twins? Who're they? -
"Their Fellpools they can turn into catch but when they transform their eyes dont change both they have ears and a fluffy tails very friendly and upbeat their name are Keira and kimi"says leyla [i]as they are talking one of the twins is walking by in her normal form she heading towards her apartment[/i] "Oh look there's one of them now"says leyla
Bramd - old
*Mortar looks at one of the twins* Um... Hello there! -
[i]she turn around and looks at you curiously with her bright blue catlike eyes she has a silver streak in her black hair[/i] "Um..uh..hi...my name's Keira who are you "she says
Bramd - old
Hi Kiera. My name is Mortar. You might've known me as the guy at the bottom of the lake -
"Oh that guy but how "says Keira
Bramd - old
Well, if you knew a guy named Wit it would hit you a little harder when I say he sacrificed his soul to release mine. -
"I dont i haven't been here for that long"says keira [spoiler]omg this got lost[/spoiler]
Who you?
Bramd - old
*He looks up at you* I think you know who I am Tubbs -
But you dead... Oh wait, that never matters!!! Mortar!! Did those racist dudes revive you?
Bramd - old
Hmm? Racist dudes? No. My friend Wit sacrificed his soul to my dad so he could release mine, and i revived as I normally do. It's weird doing it in a vaccum sealed glass box -
Bramd - old
[spoiler]You didn't even know him[/spoiler]