originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
So, as my friends before me have stated, this place has gone to shit.
With the loss of these guys that actually made RPING here enjoyable, I'll be leaving as well.
It was fun while it lasted.
See you guys.
Well this just blows
Ya know instead of leaving, you should try to help fix this place.
Oh come on Zane. That would be too much work!
Your right, it makes too much sense. Il go back in my corner.
I'll miss ya, bud.
[spoiler]who are you?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]RoyalBlade you -blam!-ing twat [/spoiler]
[spoiler]oh[/spoiler] [spoiler]i command you to stay[/spoiler] [spoiler]im fixing everything with the Lieutenants [/spoiler] [spoiler]the others said they will come back when we fix it so if you're leaving because they left that means you'll come back when we fix it right?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]If it gets fixed [/spoiler] [spoiler]And they return [/spoiler] [spoiler]Then yes [/spoiler] [spoiler]I will return [/spoiler] Spoiler
[spoiler]cool[/spoiler] [spoiler]PM me so I can tell you when it's fixed and you'll be in my messages [/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Sucks to see everyone going. I know I left but I'd still be coming back after like a month or so, see how it's been going -
While it does suck, think it's necessary
Bramd - old
Come on... I literally just got back to go out the Dojo, and not "just be a bitch about it and leave." If you wanna be a bitch, be a bitch, I can't stop you. You were a good friend and will be missed -
Mortar you're not gonna miss me that much. I'm still gonna RP with you
Bramd - old
I'm not just talking about me, I'm talking about everyone -
Well we'll see how it goes
Bramd - old
At least join [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1658312]here.[/url] For me. -
Bramd - old
(._. )