originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]A Farewell To You All[/b]
Even with what you're trying to do, it won't help. With everything that's been going on, losing your biggest RPers... You can't recuperate from that. *laughs* When I first saw this thread, I wondered [i]What is this?[/i] I saw the posts, said [i]Oh, this would be cool.[/i] And it was. Then I got banned for 1 reason. I tried to kill someone. It was literally my first week here and within three posts I was banned.
To Ninjatal- Thank you for making this thread. It was awesome while it lasted.
To Inflatablepants- **** *** ***** ***!
To Ornstein/ All of his ALTS- Thank you for what you did to try to get me back in.
To Mortar- Thank you for being the chillest RPer in the Dojo.
To JT- Thank you for your awesome plot lines.
To everyone else- I will miss you, and you will not be forgotten. If you, in some miracle, are able to repair the Dojo, please contact me. This is The Arbiter, signing off one last time...
Who the hell are you?
A guy who got banned, came back fairly, and after a week with no response from Royal even after I was tested again, I decided to call it off. (;¿;)7
*waves* I barely knew you..... Oh well.
Barely knew me? You f--king executed me! Kappa.
Oh yea, you. Still barely knew you though
Farewell friend :'(
Whu yu?
Literally no one important.
Don't think like that.
Just a passing face when I can manage the time. And used to be the owner of a building less coffee/tea lounge. Had 500 replies to it before it got lost in the depths of the dojo
That was easily the best post on the dojo. Possibly second to the massive invasion.
So I should go hunt it down amd resurrect it from the depths?
No, copy it for the reform
Alright. I'm gonna bump the old one for old times sake. But when the reform hits I'll re open a fresh one.
Well that sucks. Make another one... Business is failing, you need new customers, and BAM! Character intro.
>Plotlines >Made one that failed >Lel Seriously tho, gonna miss you brah.
You don't even know me.
*salutes honorably* We will miss you Arbiter. Good luck on your future conquests
Join me, Bakon!
Actually I kinda just got back so just give me a call if you need something ok?
Yep. [b]Salutes.[/b]
I has gift. [b][i]Gives obsidian energy sword with magma red energy blades[/i][/b]
Thank you, Bakon. May the Great Journey guide you through your travels.
Bramd - old
Miss ya fam