"Yeah i find you guys very interesting cause always learning something new while im here"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Then I guess I'm a change of pace for you, being someone with no special abilities or weapons -
"Its still new though meeting new people. I may be strange but the woman that found me is strange like me also"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Why? Who found you? -
"Oh her name is mia and she has the ability to control spiders she can talk to them. She has a giant spider named tiny. She found me in the wood"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Spiders? Out of everything in the world, it's the one thing that freaks people out. -
"Yeah her family abandoned her because of it. She was about six when they abandoned her shortly after they village she grew up in started treating her like a outcast"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Well that sucks -
"Yeah and she so nice too"says Sylvie [i]Sylvie notices a softball sized spider that sitting ground nearby that she picks up without any fear. Then sets it in her lap[/i] "Well mia nearby"says Sylvie [i]she calmly pets the little spider while glancing around looking for mia[/i]
Bramd - old
*He shudders slightly* I'll keep an open mind but chances are I'm never gonna get used to spiders -
"The spider that around here wont harm you why esle do think i would just pick one up like this"says Sylvie "Mia basically controls all the spiders around here their like her second pair of eyes she sees everything"says Sylvie [i]as she talking a woman wearing all black with very pale skin comes walking over to them walking next to her is a large calf sized spider. Sylvie sees her and start to wave with her free hand[/i]
Bramd - old
*He looks towards where Sylvie is looking and stumbles back from the spider* Sorry ma'am, not used to a giant spider -
"Oh don't worry tiny is harmless he wont hurt you"says Sylvie [i]tiny walks over to where Sylvie is sitting down and climbs into her lap then rolls over on to its back. Sylvie rubs its belly.[/i] "Hi there im mia and dont worry i had him such along time he wont hurt anyone"says mia
Bramd - old
*He stands up* Oh, okay... I'm Carl, by the way -
"Its nice to meet you"says mia [i]she smiles you notice when she gets closer that there's tiny spiders crawling all over her.[/i] "If makes you feel better she got a spider the size of a house named Gertrude"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
[spoiler]how would that make him feel better?[/spoiler] Nice to meet you too. *He holds out a hand to shake* -
[i]she shakes his hand[/i] "So what are you up to mia"says Sylvie "Oh this and that"says mia
Bramd - old
Yeah, Sylvie was just telling me about you, Mia. Pretty interesting how you can control spiders. -
"Yeah i always have been able to do that"says mia
Bramd - old
That's kind of creepy, but cool -
"Yeah it is"says mia
Bramd - old
How long have you done this? -
"I always been able to"says mia
Bramd - old
Impressive... When did you learn it was... Abnormal? -
"When my entire village was afraid of me"says mia