Bramd - old
*A short boy of fourteen walks up to you. He has an SMG holstered to both legs and a double barrel shotgun slung on his back; you can tell it's more than a shotgun, one of the barrels is slightly slimmer* What the... -
[i]she wakes up and looks at the boy with her bright purple eyes. She stands up and she's a lot taller than him. She touches the tree she next to and it starts to grow as some her tattoos glow slightly. That when you realize that she's making the plants grow somehow[/i]
Bramd - old
Hmm... Strange, haven't met a person who could alter plants. Who're you? -
"People around here call me Sylvie and i dont altar them plants just grow when come in contact with me see"says Sylvie [i]she walks over to where he standing and the plants where she just stepped are starting to grow bigger[/i]
Bramd - old
Woah, that's impressive... I know kids my age who would pay you to grow their neighbor's lawns just so they would get more money to cut it. -
"I can revive plants that are dead or wilted too and technically not from here at all im alien"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Oh, alien. Strange, you look human -
"Yes i do but im not one. No human has gray skin, purple hair or purple eyes like mine"says Sylvie "Not only that they don't glow either"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Yeah... But purple eyes and hair can be from contact lenses and hair dye. Tattoos, normal... Glowing... Eh, seen it -
"Well can a human do this"says Sylvie [i]Sylvie walks over to very dead looking tree and touches it with both hands. Then just like that you see it come back to life and bloom filling the air with the faint scent of apple blossoms.[/i] "I can do other things too but im not sure what cause i cant remember what those are"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Ah, okay, that isn't normal -
"Nope and i can do that with any plant"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Well that's impressive... -
"Yup it comes in handy too cause i can attack with certain types of plants too"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Attack, huh? -
"Yeah but not all the time though it comes in handy when you surrounded or out number"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Hmm... I could see that... Constriction is very useful. -
"Yup sure is but im always in my element though that why i wander the forest or anywhere their plant life"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
So you would not survive in a desert... -
"What's a desert?"asks Sylvie [i]she doesn't know what your talking about cause she never seen one[/i]
Bramd - old
Giant sandy plains -
"Hmm i never been anywhere except here my friend mia found me in the woods wandering around. i dont have any other memories from where i come from so their a lot of things i dont know cause of it."says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Ah, that makes sense... -
"Yeah it took me awhile to figure out this language but she helped me learn it. My friend and i live deeper in the woods. So im learning new stuff everyday"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Oh, okay