originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][i]Isaac lets out a yell of utmost pain, falling to his knees.[/i][/b]
"Yeah, yeah. Shut it, Ranger."
[b][i]Iza tears the Ranger's mask off, kicking him to the ground and immediately blowing his head off with Perma-Fix, his blood splattering over her body.[/i][/b]
"Heh. Bitch.
GG, Caesar...GG."
[b][i]Iza walks away, snickering sickly.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]end? What was with the ranger thing[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]He's an NCR Ranger. Well, a previous one. He's modified his armor insanely though. If you wanna, fin. Unless you plan on fighting someone else.[/spoiler]