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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
8/19/2016 9:22:43 PM

Bramd old

*Caesar is disintegrated, leaving only his limbs, they were all prosthetic. The blade is still in your knee, and it's flames are burning your bloodstream. Blisters begin to form on your skin, and it is fairly obvious that you are melting, everything feels too hot to bear, and you are on your knees, the blade being shoved in deeper, the blisters becoming more frequent. Blood bubbles up, and evaporates leaving a crimson haze in the air. The blood haze makes it hard to breathe and you are laying on the ground, your back facing the sky. Your vertebrae become visible, the bone marrow melting as well, though at a slower rate*

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