Edited by Skatch142: 8/19/2016 8:51:45 PM[u][b]W-What you mean?[/b][/u] *Sapphire helps Sketch up.*
Bramd - old
I mean who's the furry with the shadow noose round his neck? *He looks at the collar* What the hell is this? -
"Wait... What?" *All three of them look confused.*
Bramd - old
You heard me. [spoiler]he's talking about Sketch, referring to the shadow collar as a noose as it tightens around his neck and chokes him[/spoiler] -
[u]What's a furry?[/u] [spoiler]I know.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*he facepalms* Forget it -
[u]Why are you here?[/u]
Bramd - old
I got a bounty on William's head, and I'm here to collect it. That'll probably help you out with your... Problem. -
"Yeah... The collar..." *He touches it and it tightens a little.* "Can-Can you get it off???"
Bramd - old
Not really, the only way I can is by cutting off your head and you wouldn't want that would you? -
"No, no..." [u]William's gone! Just go away so we can figure out what to do...[/u]
Bramd - old
Hey I'm just as concerned as you are. You think I know everything about him, where he goes, what he can do? God no. Which is why I'm here. To assist you in capturing and killing him -
[spoiler]He's going to be gone for a while.[/spoiler] "But we don't know where he went..."
Bramd - old
Well then, I guess I must take up residence here then if I am to assist you, am I correct? -
"I-I guess so..."
Bramd - old
Okay, good. Are any of you able to test me? *He seems to talk more to your characters, because being tested by my characters would be weird* -
"I-I am but I can't fight... I'm not sure you n-need to be anyway..."
Bramd - old
Why do you say I must be tested? -
"I said I-I don't think y-you need to be tested..."
Bramd - old
[spoiler] meant must not[/spoiler] Why do you say so? [spoiler]he doesn't know any of my characters, because Cole Rocap IRL didn't know I RPed.[/spoiler] -
"You don't really seem very sketchy... You technically came to h-help us... So I think it's okay..."
Bramd - old
*Cole nods* Hell, if a chance to get in without combat comes I'm taking it. Thanks. *He holds out a hand to shake* Oh, and if there's anyone who you wanna get rid of I'm your guy. -
"I-I don't think there is... But thanks for offering..." *Sketch shakes his hand.*
Bramd - old
*He smiles and nods* Sure, but if you change your mind you know where I am. In the meantime, try wedging a ring of a strong material between your neck and the collar, making it harder to constrict and making it easier to breathe -
"I don't think that will work... If I stick something between the collar and my neck it might keep shrinking continuously until... Yeah..."