originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Agitato, Binard City
[i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 00:34
[i][u]Title:[/u][/i] The Unfairness of Life
[b][i]A child. Around age 13. Midnight, in the poor, dilapidated, and dangerous part of Binard City. Agitato. The child had long, dirty brown hair, and blue eyes that held so much pain. Suffering, and loss, in those young eyes. He wore the ragged, loose, and dirty clothes of the homeless. A torn up and loose beige shirt, and too small gray sweatpants that had large rips in various places. His once handsome face was cut, bruised, and dirty, with grease and oil covering every inch of his skin. A worried look etched on his face, and as he ran through the alleyways of Agitato, a brown and torn up sack over his shoulder, he kept looking behind his back. It seemed as though he was being chased, and he intended not to be caught. All the boy wanted was some food. It didn't matter where he got it from. He only wanted to live! To survive the pain and the reality of life. To keep ahead of the memories, of horror, death, and torture.
About 20 yards behind the boy were three men. Each of the men had the same look to the boy. Long, messy brown hair, and blue eyes. The youngest was about 19, the second was 21, and the last was 25. They wore the same, torn up, dirty, and ragged clothes the boy wore, and they were chasing him. Why? Because he stole the food they had been saving up for a full 4 months now. It took them 4 months of begging passerby, hard labor, and preservation to earn that food. They needed a good meal, to distract them from the true, reality of life. The pain, the loss, and the horror. The absolute unfairness of it all. How they each had perfect grades in school, but life held them back. Shoved them into the ground.[/i][/b][spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
[b]The boy turns the corner and finds haknir, waking down the alleyway, he has both of his scimitars out and he stops the boy. He waits for the others to catch up as well.[/b]
[b][i]The men catch up, and the 21 year old cracks his knuckles.[/i][/b] "[i]Gives our food back, bud.[/i]" [b][i]The boy shook his head vigorously, obviously terrified.[/i][/b]
[b]Haknir points one of his scimitars at the men. [/b] "Shut it! Now then...." [b]He looks at the boy...[/b] "You stole their food?"
[b][i]He nods slowly, while the other men growl.[/i][/b]
"If you didn't know, I'm the king of pirates. Thievery and stealing if what I specialize in. It seems you've been caught though, so I'm not so sure you deserve this food, boy." [b]Haknir slightly nudges the boy closer to the men and holds him tighter.[/b] "So why should I help you!?"
[b][i]He seems paralyzed in fear, his eyes wide. He was shaking slightly, and the men slowly backed away.[/i][/b]
[b]Haknir takes some food out of the bag and gives the rest to the boy.[/b] "You'd better actually get away from them next time."
[b][i]He nods, the look of fear not leaving his face. The men seem angry.[/i][/b] "[i]Hey, we worked for months to get that![/i]" "[u]I ought to take my food back right now....[/u]"
"Here it is then." [b]Haknir throws the food that was in his hand on to the ground in front of them.[/b]
[b][i]The men madly scramble to pick the food up, disappointed with the loss of all their hard work, but happy they got food at all.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Erika notices that these men are chasing the boy and piece everything together, since they pass her she is able to quickly grab the sack and stop the boy, tossing it to the men.* Hey, kid, c'mere -
[b][i]The men grab it happily, while the boy stops, slowly walking over to Erika.[/i][/b] "I didn' do nuthin' wrong!" [b][i]He said defensively.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Relax, kid. You're not in trouble. I'd be willing to bet there was food in that sack? -
[b][i]He nods slowly.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Erika looks around* Would you like to stay with me a couple days, so you can get some food and clean up? -
[b][i]The boy smiles widely, and nods again.[/i][/b][spoiler]I might make this dude a new character..... Not sure though.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Great. I'm Erika. What's your name? [spoiler]Now kids. This is only an RP. Do NOT go somewhere with strangers[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Dude, he's never even been to [i]school[/i]. Think he knows not to do stuff like this? XD[/spoiler] [b][i]The boy thinks silently for a while, before finally speaking up.[/i][/b] "J-Joshua...." [b][i]He says, uncertain.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Joshua? That's a good name. *Erika starts walking towards her apartment in Binard City. She motions for you to follow* -
[b][i]Joshua follows, not looking back. He'd never been treated with such kindness before.[/i][/b]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/19/2016 4:01:33 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*Erika is surprised herself. Not a month ago she was tasked with killing two high priority targets and now she's inviting a homeless boy into her four hundred square foot apartment. Definitely not big enough for two people in her opinion. They reach her apartment complex and they take the elevator to her room.* Well this is my place, if you wanna look around -
[b][i]The boy nods.[/i][/b] "I don't take much room...."
Bramd - old
Please, relax. Mi casa, su casa