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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
8/19/2016 2:49:34 AM

[DIGITAL_DOJO]: Writing Contest

[b][i][u][url=]PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST.[/url][/u][/i][/b] [i]I'm sure you folks in OffTopic have heard of the Digital Dojo. It's only one of the largest RP threads here. Now, I know the Digital Dojo has some bad reputation amongst the RP'ers of, but give it a shot; the positives outweigh the negatives. The original thread can be found here:[/i][spoiler][/spoiler] [i][b]Now! For the main point of the post! I've decided to host a writing contest. The rewards for winning? A cookie. Did you expect something else? No? Good. Anywho, I thought it would be fun to see what sort of writing skill those in OffTopic have! Anybody who wants to write something may do so here; it is not limited to those in the dojo! Now, I'll kindly ask trolls to leave now. This is a place for writers, not those who live to spam lennies and "t"s over and over again. Seriously, that stuff pisses me off and ruins the prettiness of all the nice writings. Does it hurt to be mature, every once in a while? Oh, wait. I'm on Who the -blam!- am I kidding, besides myself. I'll lay a couple ground rules so this doesn't get too chaotic.[/b][/i][spoiler]1) Maximum of 2 writings. 2) Use proper grammar. I want to be able to read your writings without doing negative things to my own physical being. 3) No f*cking spam! Please! 4) Be serious. It can have humor in it. It can make somebody laugh. But please take your writings seriously; no half-assed pieces of writings! 5) Use your words to describe scenery and people. No pictures. It's a writing contest, not a drawing contest. 6) Voting will take place on September 18th (If I don't forget about this place). Kindly avoid voting for yourself. 7) Of course, have fun![/spoiler] [b][i]Great! Now that we've got that out of the way, please comment down below with your writing! I recommend typing it up in a google docs/notes on a mobile device, and saving it. Well, go and start writing![/i][/b]

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  • Inb4FulgrimSwoopsInAndWins

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  • I might try. Though when I write I'm not all that artsy and poetic so I might not be as good as everyone else.

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  • There once was a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) he was so ugly that everyone died. The end

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      I see no relation between this contest and the dojo, besides you bringing it up in the beginning. I might write something though, mainly because I haven't written something in forever.

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    • WARNING: Poetry ahead. Proceed at own risk.[spoiler]Across the sky, they dance and glide To the music of the wind; Their colourful gowns mask the illusion within A secret they hide so well. Flags of purple, crimson and gold they fly; A jubilant psychedelic experience Leaps into the fire and darkness, As the sun fades away. A deception spread throughout the land, That space is solid and solid is separate; Oh marvellous manifestation of the universe I pray to thee, humble as the thousand things. [/spoiler]

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    • I'm gonna post this then been gone

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      • I'm too lazy

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 8/21/2016 12:50:29 AM
          The clock tower clicked away as it always had, hopelessly counting the time that did not exist in the plain of existence. Was an odd time since the great blackout. The clocks would work yet time simply didn't matter anymore. The sun hasn't shown for over a year now. While this may have seemed tragic in any other world, this particular land praised it. As their kind perished within the light of day. The dark was their friend, their comfort, the only protection this town truly had. This is the story of the rift walkers.

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        • A man walked the streets of London. It was late, and he wasn't usually out past 11:00. Tonight had been... Eventful. He had been assigned a job, a kill. Those he especially enjoyed. Especially when the victim wasn't actually a kill target, but an innocent civilian. He laughed. It wasn't everyday you killed someone. The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of choking his victims to death... It was the best kind of drug. A drug that was nearly infinite... As long as he didn't get caught. First attempt. Might try again later.

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        • 2

          Bramd - old

          [url=]Did I win?[/url]

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          • Screams rang through the still night air. Anthony jolted awake, looking next to him only finding the bed empty. His boyfriend Steven was sitting in the corner of the room, holding his head, crying and screaming. He quickly got up and grabbed the shaking man. "Steven! What happened?" The Italian asked, pulling the other into his arms. Only shaking sobs left him. "Anthony... They are so loud... I can't make them stop..." He whispered. A shudder shook his whole body. "Please save me." A tear ran down Anthony's face. "I don't know how too..." ----- "If you want to leave and go stay with your family it's fine." Anthony said, not looking at his love. A bottle of pills sat on the counter next to him, marking the room with sadness. The shorter man just shook his head. "No, I want to stay here with you. I don't feel safe anywhere else. " Steven said quietly. He got up and wrapped his arms around Anthony's waist, kissing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry that I'm broken..." ---- Broken glass littered the floor. The whole apartment was a wreck. Anthony slammed his hand over and over on the bathroom door. "Ze! Please let me in baby! Steven!" He cried out. The sound of sobs could be heard on the other side of the door. The smell of blood fresh in the air. "I can't do this! I can't!" The other man screamed. ---- Tears streamed down Anthony's face. "For -blam!-s sake just take it!" He screamed, holding the bottle of pills out. Steven covered his ears, tears flowing down his face. "NO NO NO NO NO" He cried out. "Please baby just take it! It will make you better! It's just medicine!" "It's just medicine..." ---- "I want to go back to school." Steven said, breaking the harsh silence that pulled at the room. Anthony looked up from his plate confused. "Why? I thought you didn't want to go out of the house." The shorter man looked down at his plate a sad look shrouding his face. "If I can't just end this then I want to have some kind of a life. I can't just sit here and watch you try to take care of me. I can do it myself." ---- Anthony smiled and held Steven in his arms. They had finally slept through the whole night together. No waking up from nightmares or having to talk Steven out of ending everything and giving him more medicine. The smaller man was asleep on his chest, breath slowly coming and going. "I love you so much." Anthony whispered into his hair. "You are so kind and beautiful. It's just your brain that keeps telling you that you aren't that breaks my heart." ---- The pill bottle laid empty on the floor. Blood pooled around it. Anthony sat on the bathroom floor, holding the cold body, tears streaming from his face. "Baby please. You were getting better... You could have been what you wanted to be... Come back to me..." [spoiler]Based on the song Medicine by Daughters. Don't mind gay fanfics? Check out my wattpad @Chris_Wonder[/spoiler]

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            • [b]spams Lenny's[/b]

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              28 Replies
              • Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/20/2016 9:25:42 AM
                [u][b]his own path[/b][/u] "Y'know i hate things like this" a man in a suit sits on the other side of helicopter. "i know you do Lego, after you left the dojo the company needs your help." the helicopter lands outside the temple, lego and the man in the suit get out with the ground soaked by rain. "so what's the problem anyway?" lego says while pissed at not properly unpacking his things. The associate fills him in "a ForgeHand mining crew has unearthed an ancient god and is wreaking havoc on the crew and surrounding local towns. Infact the local tribe is currently helping informing us what the hell they are." Lego thinks about it "i guess the language barrier is a problem?" the associate replies "our men have been informed with cave paintings, I'll give you the images" Images of cave paintings with amphibious humanoids painting them. Lego gets his gear ready. "so what i can gather is that this old tribe dumped their corpses down the temple? great! Now we have Undead..." "feels like a average story doesn't it?" the associate replies as he puts on his military gear. Lego with his men, his armour and tribesmen. They decend into the depths of the temple with unknown eyes watching, uncertain what they are or who they are. Then a gut wrenching scream and a spear impales one of His men, no easy feat. Lego shouts to the top of his lungs. "OPEN FIRE!" His men open fire, with noise dampeners so the tribals won't get deafened by the shots. Out of terror the tribals start throwing spears at whatever moves in the dark. The associate throws an incendiary grenade, coating the floor with fire as the room is lit up. Knifes and arrows fly around as they injure his men and a batista bolt hitting lego in the chest, severely denting it. The room is full of Undead things as they scurry around, after a few minuets of shooting, the room is cleared as blue blood coats the walls. They continue on, blasting down any of the freaks that are foolish enough to run towards them. "its bloody open season!" Lego shouts as he guns them down but gets his by a massive rock, completely breaking off his helmet and leaving a few cuts. A giant stands in their path slamming down troops. "oh no you don't" Lego gets up and bombs past them, he slams down at him and lego side steps it and draws Gravibat. Giving it a jaw breaking uppercut, and getting onto its head and snaps its neck. "now- now that was satisfying." He says as Lego takes a breather. "now the diety is up ahead" The associate and the rest of the survivors carry on. As they reach the main tomb they are greeted by the diety, glowing green and looks female and floating like shes in water. The room is well lit compared to the pitch black corridors. "ahh the Defilers have arrived, well come on warriors! You get the first move." Lego looks back at his men and looks at it, casually lifts his handgun and shoots her in the chest. Killing it instantly as it fades away with a small tremor. One of his men speak up "well -blam!- that was anti climatic!" Lego holsters his weapon while grinning. "hey, not my fault that it didn't adapt to the times! Now excuse me, i need to go home and unpack my cutlery and plates" Lego leaves with his men lingering and then leaving with him. "why the -blam!- was it speaking English?" U liek?

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                8 Replies
                • der onec waz a maan namd bil ny woo wuznt verri shie he spamd summ dank memes isnt frum nu orleens itz bil ny the sienc gy

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                • rozes r red vilets rnt bluu i hav no ida wat im doin nd neithr du u

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                • Can I do it?

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                  • Gonna drop a dark story l8r

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                    • No! One thread should be enough!

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                      • Ugh....I'd love to but I'm busy with other writings

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