Bramd - old
*The bullets begin to dent his armor but you can tell it'll take a lot to break it. He places the assault rifle on his back and pulls out his sword and a pistol that was on his hip. Circling you, he fires a few rounds at you* -
[b][i]Isaac keeps on shooting, getting more and more accurate while still rolling and running.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Suddenly he charges at you, his blade slashing at your chest. He puts the pistol up to your head and fires multiple rounds into it* -
[b][i]Isaac immediately grabs the blade with R.O.K, and slams the barrel into Caesar's face. The bullets dent Isaac's helm badly, but the Ranger yells out in anger as he fired six times, each shot nailing Caesar in the head.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*They dent at his helm but he kicks at your gut, sending you back. He flips a switch on his pistol, reloads and the bullets seem to burn when they hit you* -
[b][i]Isaac grunts, and suddenly draws the Big Gun. The Decimator. The End. Peacekeeper. He loads the sniper rifle, grinning under his mask evilly.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*As you load it Caesar does the unthinkable. He grabs the end of your barrel and cuts it off. Slowly, as if he were sawing it off. Yeah, it's not much of a sniper now* -
"You just did the unthinkable." [i][b]Isaac smirked as the rifle suddenly reformed, and slammed it into Caesar's face.[/b][/i] [i]50% Complete.[/i] "Good work, Keeper." [b][i]Isaac laughed.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*The rifle barrel barely knocks him back and he grabs your barrel, snapping it and stabbing it into your neck* -
[spoiler]Yeah...this is funny.[/spoiler] [b][i]The barrel dissipates in his hands, and Caesar feels a cold barrel against his stomach.[/i][/b] [i]100% Percent complete.[/i] [b][i]Isaac pulls the trigger, and a massive burst of light emits from the rifle and into Caesar, incinerating his lower body and tearing him in half with ridiculous force. The kickback is immense, throwing Isaac back into a wall. It cracks as he slides down, groaning. He rises, loading the rifle again. [/i][/b] "Stay down." [i][b]He walks away.[/b][/i]
Bramd - old
*Caesar groans, his legs didn't completely get destroyed since his prosthetics are made of an Adamantium valhite alloy. He slowly gets up, groaning, then readies his assault rifle, firing a few rounds before collapsing again. He does this again, and again. The cycle continues over and over until he has to reload* -
[b][i]Isaac sighs, clearly wishing for the fight to end. Peacekeeper lights up, signaling that it was charging.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*He crawls to you, stabbing your knee, then firing all his bullets at your head. The bullets burn you with every shot* -
[b][i]Isaac reels over, growling in pain. Finally, he slams the barrel of Peacekeeper to Caesar's head. Fully charged, he pulls the trigger.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar is disintegrated, leaving only his limbs, they were all prosthetic. The blade is still in your knee, and it's flames are burning your bloodstream. Blisters begin to form on your skin, and it is fairly obvious that you are melting, everything feels too hot to bear, and you are on your knees, the blade being shoved in deeper, the blisters becoming more frequent. Blood bubbles up, and evaporates leaving a crimson haze in the air. The blood haze makes it hard to breathe and you are laying on the ground, your back facing the sky. Your vertebrae become visible, the bone marrow melting as well, though at a slower rate* -
[b][i]Isaac lets out a yell of utmost pain, falling to his knees.[/i][/b] "Yeah, yeah. Shut it, Ranger." [b][i]Iza tears the Ranger's mask off, kicking him to the ground and immediately blowing his head off with Perma-Fix, his blood splattering over her body.[/i][/b] "Heh. Bitch. GG, Caesar...GG." [b][i]Iza walks away, snickering sickly.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]end? What was with the ranger thing[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]He's an NCR Ranger. Well, a previous one. He's modified his armor insanely though. If you wanna, fin. Unless you plan on fighting someone else.[/spoiler]