Bramd - old
*The man jumps to the side, some bullets hitting his chest. He fires an arrow at your knee to reduce your movement* -
[i]Xavier did get hit, somewhere on the fibula. He kneeled to somehow lessen the pain and fired again.[/i]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/19/2016 1:39:46 AMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*He gets hit in the abdominal area, closer to where his stomach would be. But he doesn't seem affected as he fires a round into your dominant arm* -
[i]Xavier grimaced at the crossbow bolt hit his right arm. Xavier glanced at the opponent and grinned.[/i] "Ya know, I am ambidextrous." [i]Xavier fired with his other hand, which had his pistol. He moved while shooting.[/i]
Bramd - old
*The man moves as well. He seems to recoil slightly at each shot that hits but moves quick enough to avoid most. He fires a fan of arrows at you, aiming at your abdominal area* -
[i]Xavier rolled, going into cover and pulling out the arrows. He started to pull out his Psi amp, preparing a power.[/i]
Bramd - old
*You are knocked out of cover by a strange invisible force as the man notches another arrow* -
[i]Xavier quickly got up, then casted a purple beam. It was aimed for the crossbow.[/i]
Bramd - old
*The man rolls to the side quickly, avoiding the beam and fires an arrow at you. When it gets close to you it explodes, knocking you back* -
[i]He rolls in mid-air, gracefully landing. Xavier prepared another ability.[/i]
Bramd - old
*You are knocked back by a large blackish purplish colored wall. It looks like a liquid but on further inspection it is a solid* -
"Bloody hell!" [i]Xavier casted a Psionic wormhole, hopping into it. He could reappear at any moment.[/i]
Bramd - old
*He lowers the wall and readies himself* Hmm... Should I bring the fight to him? Nah. Let him think he has the advantage. -
Edited by Tamedfrog: 8/19/2016 2:07:09 AM[i]Xavier reappeared at the top. He fired at the guy while at top of the (other) wall.[/i]
Bramd - old
*The man, expecting this, rolls to the side and fires a fan of arrows in your direction. He jumps behind a tree and seems to disappear until he appears behind you, pushing you off the wall* -
[i]Xavier threw a Time-stop at the opponent while he was falling. The opponent almost couldn't move out of it. Xavier landed, which was quite painful, then took the time to grimace from the pain.[/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Duration of this time stop thingy? How many turns?[/spoiler] *The man can do nothing but watch your every move* -
[spoiler]Only costs one opponent's turn. The opponent's turn after that, they can move again. Some opponents with speed abilities are almost immune.[/spoiler] [i]Xavier got back up, brushing himself off. He looked up, then started to fire at the time-stop. Three bullets.[/i] [spoiler]Oh, and yeah. If bullets are fired into the Time-stop, it instantly collapses in the same turn and the Opponent will be freed, but with some injuries.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*the man falls behind the wall and disappears. You appear to have won until a shadow seems to form in front of you. The tip of a crossbow erects from it, shooting a black arrow between your legs. You can no longer have children. An arm, a skeletal arm, comes up from the shadow and pulls on it, pulling himself up. You now realize that the man covers his entire body for a reason. The man you see has his hood pulled back and his sleeve ripped off, revealing a bleached white eyeless skull, and his skeletal arm, the bones appear to be hovering next to each other. He fires a few rounds into your chest with deadly accuracy* -
Edited by Tamedfrog: 8/19/2016 12:07:33 PM[spoiler]Woah. Well, time to fire a wall of text of my own.[/spoiler] [i]Xavier surged with a huge shockwave of psionic energy, most likely sending the things that were holding him down back and the projectiles off their course. He then fired a purple beam of light, which knocked the skeleton Opponent back. The skeleton also finds that some of it's life-force is gone, and that Xavier is now using it to heal himself and where his Gonads are. He grinned, pulling out his dagger and running towards the skeleton, who was likely to be disoriented. Xavier jumped on top of the skeleton and started stabbing it.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Stabbing a skeleton isn't the smartest thing. They feel no pain, and you can easily miss. He stabs at you with a scorching hot bayonet, knowing that you still have organs and muscles that aren't as durable as pure bone. He then slowly backs up, firing more arrows at you* -
[i](Was going for bashing in ribs with knife hilt, but eh) Since bullets might not hit the ribcage, he decided to go for something that could kill the skeleton. The skull. Xavier rolls outta the way, but still getting hit in the side by an arrow. He fires at the skull.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Instinctively he rolls to the side and fires another explosive arrow at you* -
[i]Xavier fired at the bolt in mid-air, causing it to explode away from Him. He went for the skull again.[/i]
Bramd - old
*He fires more arrows at you, avoiding almost all the shots and tackles you, pinning you to the ground, keeping your arms in place by stabbing arrows through his hands into the ground*