originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i][b][u]Ready For Em All
Dojo Arena[/u][/b][/i]
"You guys ready?!"
[i][b]Isabelle yelled out, smiling madly within the Dojo arena. Her bright turquoise hair waved slightly in the wind, and her grey and black fiber coat did the same. Under that was a suit of steel-plated and ceramic armor, modified by Isaac to stay light but durable, to be used in combat. Her shotgun Perma-Fix was slung over her shoulder, her submachine gun at her side. On her back was her curved sword, emitting a burning aura of heat. Isabelle's grey eyes looked at the others with her.
The first? Angry, the infamous Assaultron known for attempting to literally blow up the Dojo and failing majestically. In his robotic arms was his rifle, his eye laser flowing a bright red as he loaded his gun. Beside him was Isaac, his NCR coat fluttering in the wind as he loaded his 500 Magnum called Wraith, his sniper Peacekeeper on his back. R.O.K hadn't formed on his left gauntlet, but the Ranger didn't need it. Not right now, anyway.[/b][/i]
[b][i]And with them, Ella and Kross. While Ella was smiling manically, even though she was far from insane, Kross stayed back and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. There was a dark aura around him as he lowered his head.
And yet, there were two more. A woman, 6'1, slightly muscular and seemed angry, and a knight, 5'10 and lean. The woman was Ailanna Eizel, wearing her typical suit of black steel armor. On her back was a massive shotgun, a submachine gun to compensate for it. In her hands, a 6'5 long crystalline greatsword, the blade glowing faintly.
The knight was Shal, a happy and cheerful man. Wearing his suit of golden armor, his rifle was on his back, his revolver at his side. And finally, a slightly smaller greatsword, embedded with flames, was in his right hand.
The 7 were waiting for a fight. Don't keep em waiting.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Open to anyone and everyone.
Yes, Royal allowed me to use Kross.
I'll put Shal's and Ali's bio up soon.
Participants: Isabelle
[spoiler]Dude I'm totally making a Legion v NCR fight happen[/spoiler]
[u]The clank of metallic feet can be heard approaching the doors of the arena, accompanied by the sounds of a loud guitar being played. The music seems to pole and prod any organic things ears, easily moving past any blockage. As the footsteps round the corner and walk out the door, the person, or should I say robot, in question strides out the door with his guitar strung around his neck.[/u] "[i]Did I hear the sounds of a fight brewing?[/i]" [u]Isole starts to strum on the base strings of his guitar, making a low and foreboding sound.[/u]
"HELL YEAH YOU DID!" [b][i]Isabelle screamed, grinning madly.[/i][/b]
[u]Even though his face doesn't show it, you can tell he's insanely excited for this. He starts to play at his guitar, strumming in a hypnotizing and methodical dance of fingers to produce this sound: http://youtu.be/BWStdeMN0Fg He plays this while rocking out, deeply involved in the music.[/u] "[i]I'm ready to knock some fuсking heads![/i]"
"YEAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" [b][i]Isabelle practically screamed with excitement, smile magnifying to the point that it stretched across her entire face.[/i][/b] "WHO YOU WANNA FIGHT?!"
[u]He points a long robotic finger at Ailanna while his other hands continue playing.[/u] "[i]I WANT TO FIGHT THE EDGY BITCH![/i]" [u]He continues playing, seemingly trying to get her angry.[/u]
[b][i]And it worked.[/i][/b] "You little -blam!-. I'll tear your robotic head off..." [b][i]She drew KaBoom, and loaded it.[/i][/b]
[u]In the flash of an eye, he jumps backwards while still playing.[/u] "[i]You might want to cover your ears. Not like it'll do anything, though.[/i]" [u]He laughs before slamming his hands down seven of his strings, producing a sound almost three hundred decibels loud. The shrieks through the air, but still somehow manages to sound good.[/u]
[b][i]Ailanna reeled back, growling with anger as she ran towards the robot and began firing at its chest rapidly, a look of fury and pain on her face. (It's probably worth mentioning that she isn't just an edgy bitch. She's an edgy elf bitch, Aldven or something. Lol.)[/i][/b]
[u]Isole dodges too the side, still blaring sound. Three stray shells collide with his chest, blasting small divots in the thick metal chest piece. He charges, lowering his guitar and holding it by the neck in preparation for what's to come.[/u]
[b][i]Ali kept firing, screaming with rage as her face contorted into a furious look.[/i][/b]
[u]Bullets his pieces of his body, chipping and denting it's metallic casing. However, this does not stop his charge. With flourish, he swings the flat of the guitar's head, it colliding with her shoulder. Her armor scratches at the strings, releasing a massive burst of sound, the shear strength of it increasing the power of it's swing.[/u]
Bramd - old
Eh, screw it. CAESAR VS ISSAC -
[b][i]Isaac approached, his weapons loaded and his armor shined greatly. Although his facial expression was hidden, you could tell that he was happy.[/i][/b] "Hehe. Let's do this." [b][i]He whipped out Wraith, R.O.K forming over his left hand.[/i][/b] [spoiler]Please tell me you read his bio. Honestly, this'll be rough. Even for Caesar.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]I read it. Hey, you wanted this fight.[/spoiler] *Caesar steps forward, a modified assault rifle on his back and his sword in hand. He holds the blade in front of him, platinum flames dance off of the blade* This is gonna be interesting -
[spoiler]Oh yeah I did. This is the first time I'm using Isaac in combat XD.[/spoiler] "You ready?" [b][i]He grinned savagely under his mask.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
When you are *He chuckles slightly under his xenomorph helm* [spoiler]I make sure all my characters undergo PvP, to see how strong they are and if they'll be better in PvE. Wit went through it and he doesn't even fight. Cyan leans more around PvE, Crossbow and Mortar are good with both, and Erika and Caesar are good with PvP.[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Orn is probably okay, but he leans more to PvE. Smo depends on who he's fighting. Yuria is pretty nice in PvP. So is Anri now. Iza is alright. Isaac? He'll be a monster in both, probs. Ella is Ella. If she was 023, she'd be OP. Ailanna, I haven't checked. Shal, I haven't checked. Nameless is gonna be broken as hell soon. And the Voice is bullshit police. Oh! And Angry. He's just awesome.[/spoiler] "Your move, Roman."
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Angry is tolerable, he's your generic robot character[/spoiler] *He jumps at you, slashing at your chest* -
[b][i]Immediately, Isaac slams his left fist into Caesar's chest with inhuman force, although an opening in the Ranger's armor is revealed by the slash. The punch was enough to kill a regular man, really.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar is knocked back quite far, but gets up. He tries to shake it off and circles you, readying his assault rifle.* -
[b][i]Wraith in his right hand, Isaac begins circling as well.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Caesar fires multiple bullets at you, trying to hit in rapid succession* -
[b][i]Isaac began sprinting, firing with deadly accuracy.[/i][/b]