Bramd - old
*Caro jumps slightly when he sees Leyla* Oh, um, hi. I'm Carl. -
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 8/18/2016 12:21:13 AM"Woah no need to be jumpy im leyla hayes nice to meet you"says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, um, hey. It's nice to meet you too. *Carl looks at the blue skin* Are you one of those dragon mermaid Hybrids Sylvie told me about? -
"Um yeah i am"says leyla [i]she notices that he is staring at her skin[/i]
Bramd - old
Oh, sorry, ma'am, didn't mean to stare. I'm just not used to things I don't really see often on a person. *He sighs a little* The only abnormal thing I'm used to are red eyes on a person, and that's because I grew up with Mortar. -
"Its fine im used to begin stared at i mean come on its not everyday you come across someone that looks like me"says leyla
Bramd - old
*He nods* Yeah, that's true. I guess I should get used to "weird" stuff, after all I grew up with Mortar over here. *He looks at the tombstone, reading every word, making sense of all of it.* -
"Yeah...he was a good man always helping his friends"says leyla
Bramd - old
I take it he was well liked? He only had Wit at school, and he was tortured by all the other kids. [spoiler][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s39t9Nk-awdfe-tRAR0MBZi3suz9tzc6IdX2gKQlXr8/edit?usp=drive_web]If you want some insight[/url][/spoiler] -
"Yes he was and he was a good friend of the hayes family if only he could of seen how big the little ones have grown"says leyla
Bramd - old
Little ones? You have kids? *He raises an eyebrow, you look too young to give birth and raise children* -
[i]she chuckles slightly[/i] "You flatter me sir but there not my kids there my sister's adopted kids and im lot older than i look i just age really slow."says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, okay... I'm still getting used to this place, so forgive me if I don't understand certain things about the people here -
"Oh your fine no harm done"says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, good. *He sighs in relief a little* So, I heard that I had to fight to get in? -
"Yes you do"says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, okay... Are either of you eligible to test me? -
"You have to have one the leuinitents test you we are not one"says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, okay. Thanks anyway -
"Well sorry we couldnt be of more help"says leyla
Bramd - old
Oh, you guys are okay, you did all you could do. *Carl chuckles slightly* -
"Well im gonna go so see you around"says leyla [i]leyla starts walking away leaving Sylvie there still.[/i]
Bramd - old
See ya *He turns to Sylvie* Yeah, she seems nice. Did i see an engagement ring on her finger? -
"Yeah i heard that she just got engaged not that long ago actually"says Sylvie "She is really nice"says Sylvie
Bramd - old
Well congrats to her, hopefully she'll have a good marriage. *He sighs* Well anyway, I think I'm gonna wait here until someone can let me in.