originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Okay... Um..."
*He places his hand on her back and guides her in. She can feel that he only has four fingers and that there is a pad on each one as well as on the palm. She can also barely feel the tip of a claw on the end of each finger.*
"So, can you fight? I can see that you have a number of weapons..."
[b][i]She nodded, placing a hand on her revolvers. She pointed to them, then to Sketch (Sketch?). After that, she drew another question mark.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]It's Sketch, he always uses plain quotation marks unless Garry is the only one someone is RPing with. But he's a robot so...[/spoiler] "Um... Are you asking to shoot me?"
[b][i]She shakes her head. She points to Sketch, makes a question mark, pretends to be a boxer, then points to herself.[/i][/b]
"Oh, you want me to fight you? I mean, I guess I could..."
[b][i]She shakes her head again. This time, she grabbed a nearby stick, and wrote on the ground.[/i][/b] [i]Do I have to fight you?[/i]
"Umm... I'm not sure what that says... But I mean, you don't need to fight me..."
[b][i]She smiles, and nods. She begins walking towards the dojo, although she was walking towards the wall, not the gate.[/i][/b]
"No, stop!" *He takes her hand stops her before she walks into the wall.* "We're already in the Dojo. You almost walked into the wall..."
[b][i]She raises her eyebrows in comprehension, then shifts awkwardly.[/i][/b]
*He lets go of her and.* "Okay, so where do you want to go? There are the apartments, the training building, a couple places to eat and... Well I guess that's really it..."
[b][i]She nods at the sound of "apartments", then writes on the ground.[/i][/b] [i]Sleep[/i]
"Um... Still not sure what that means but I'll take you there..." *He places his hand on her back again and starts guiding her him the direction of the apartments.*
[b][i]She walks wherever he guided her.[/i][/b]
*They arrive at the apartment building.* "Okay, we're here. Be careful, there are a couple steps up to the door." *He opens the door for her but stands at the bottom of the stairs to help her up.*
[b][i]She steps up easily, entering the door.[/i][/b]
"Okay, so I think there is an empty apartment on this floor..." *He says where they're going as he guides her.* "It's the first hallway to the left and three doors down on the right side." *He opens the door for her.*
[b][i]She smiles and nods, entering the room.[/i][/b]
"There should be a doorway on the right side of the room which leads to the bedroom. On the right side of the bedroom is the bathroom. If you need anything just, well... I'm actually not sure what you can do..."
[b][i]She nodded, understanding. The grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote something like:[/i][/b] [i]Thanks im good[/i]
*He looks at it, confused.* "Um... I can't read English..."
[b][i]A look of comprehension dawns on her face, and she re-writes the message in Sphirinian.[/i][/b] [spoiler]Yes, she knows Sphirinian, because she knows everything (literally).[/spoiler]
"You can write in Sphirinian?!"
[b][i]She nods, smiling.[/i][/b]
"But... How?"
[b][i]She shrugs, but the smile leaves her face.[/i][/b]