*He turns towards Carl.*
Bramd - old
Hey, uh, Sketch, was it? Is she single? -
Bramd - old
Is Cyan single? I don't know how but when I saw her something clicked in me. -
"Oh, um. I think she is... But you should wait a while before you try anything... Get to know her first."
Bramd - old
Carl: Yeah, I know... *Wit opens up the door* Wit: Oh, Hey Sketch. Cyan told me that someone was here to see me... Carl, is that you? Carl: Hey Winston. Wit: For the last time, I go by Wit. When you gain magical abilities you can name yourself anything you want -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/17/2016 10:18:47 PM*He stands there, silent.*
Bramd - old
*Carl punches Wit in the shoulder. Not hard, more of a friendly way* Carl: It's good to see you Win... Wit. Wit: You too man. *Wit looks at Sketch* Wit: This is Carl, Mortar's brother from his second family. -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/17/2016 10:33:22 PM"Oh, yeah he is... I wasn't sure if he knew he was part of Mortar's second family though..."
Bramd - old
Carl: At first I thought when he was talking about a Garuud and an Underworld he was crazy, but he was talking before all the other kids his age and seemed smarter. Then you have the abnormalities, the eyes, the blood, the fungus, the iron balls that scared the shit outta me when they were hovering over my baby brother's head. I kinda guessed that he wasn't a normal baby -
"Huh, yeah, I guess that can tip someone off..."
Bramd - old
Yeah... Of course, I didn't know Jack shit about this stuff, so when I agreed to listen to him he gave me all this info that a kid his age shouldn't know. Lot's of death, decay, and fear from the Underworld -
"Hm... Sounds kinda like Mortar."
Bramd - old
*Carl nods* Either way, my parents didn't like this one bit, they were strictly Catholic. -
"What's that mean?"
Bramd - old
It's a religion practiced by many human beings. Definitely doesn't follow Mortar's life, his gods. -
"Ah, okay."
Bramd - old
"So I assume you two have a lot of catching up to do..."
Bramd - old
Wit: Not much actually, just some things that recently happened, like how Mortar died. Carl: Every other time we talked it just got awkward -
"I guess that's sort of understandable..."
Bramd - old
Carl: Yeah Wit: You can leave if you're uncomfortable, if you'd like. Don't wanna force you to sit and stay. -
"Um... I'm not sure wether I want to stay or leave..."
Bramd - old
Carl: If it's because you don't trust me... Then you can leave, I have no weapons except for a sharp stone in my pocket, and it's not even that sharp. -
"It's not because I don't trust you. It's because I'm both uncomfortable but also interested."