"I'm a Sphirinian leopard/wolf hybrid and I admit, my fur is an unusual color... Anyways, who are you?"
Bramd - old
My name is Carl. I got a letter from my brother, Dan- Mortar, about this place, confirming he was alive, and i wanted to surprise him on his birthday. It took forever to get here, and his birthday was yesterday, and judging by the grave here... I assume it's too late. -
"Hold on... Mortar was your brother?!" *Sketch's ears droop down and he puts his hand on the man's shoulder.* "I'm sorry for your loss..."
Bramd - old
It's... It's okay... He was always getting in trouble. And I'm used to loss... About a year after he left my parents died in a car crash, and my sister, who was seventeen when they died took up alcoholism and you could rarely see her without a beer or wine in her hand. She must have gotten it from me, I was a wreck. Had rehab for months. She drowned in a tub a month later. That was a wake up call to get my life together. -
"I'm really sorry... He was a great friend and a good man... Do you- Do you know anyone named Cyan?"
Bramd - old
Um... Sorry, no, I do not. But I do know that when Mortar ran away a boy known as Winston, or Wit, ran away with him. -
"Oh yes, I know Wit... I can take you to him if you want."
Bramd - old
Wait, Wit's here too? It'd be great if you brought me to him. *He still seems a little uncomfortable but seems to get used to you* -
"Okay, well just follow me." *He starts walking in the direction of the Dojo gates.*
Bramd - old
*Carl follows, looking at the massive gates of the Dojo. Man, they are beautiful in his eyes, the amount of work it took to build them must have been crazy* -
*He pushes them open and then closes them behind him he continues walking, motioning for him to follow.*
Bramd - old
*Carl does as told, looking around at all the "Strange," "New," and "Interesting" people.* -
*Sketch continues leading him until they finally reach where Wit lives. Sketch knocks on the door a couple times then stands back.*
Bramd - old
*Cyan answers the door* Cyan: Oh, hey Sketch, who's your friend here? -
"Oh, hey Cyan, this is Carl, Mortar's [i]brother[/i]... Is Wit around?" *He gives her a look as if to say [i]Go with it.[/i]*
Bramd - old
Cyan: Brother? I don't remember a Carl. Must have been from Mortar's second family, when he came back as a somewhat human being. I'll get Wit. *Cyan closes the door, looking for Wit* -
*He turns towards Carl.*
Bramd - old
Hey, uh, Sketch, was it? Is she single? -
Bramd - old
Is Cyan single? I don't know how but when I saw her something clicked in me. -
"Oh, um. I think she is... But you should wait a while before you try anything... Get to know her first."
Bramd - old
Carl: Yeah, I know... *Wit opens up the door* Wit: Oh, Hey Sketch. Cyan told me that someone was here to see me... Carl, is that you? Carl: Hey Winston. Wit: For the last time, I go by Wit. When you gain magical abilities you can name yourself anything you want -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/17/2016 10:18:47 PM*He stands there, silent.*
Bramd - old
*Carl punches Wit in the shoulder. Not hard, more of a friendly way* Carl: It's good to see you Win... Wit. Wit: You too man. *Wit looks at Sketch* Wit: This is Carl, Mortar's brother from his second family. -
Edited by Skatch142: 8/17/2016 10:33:22 PM"Oh, yeah he is... I wasn't sure if he knew he was part of Mortar's second family though..."