originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]LET'S GET FALLOUT IN HERE, SHALL WE[/spoiler]
[b][i]Out of the Dojo gates comes three figures, all armed and looking fairly dangerous.
The first? Angry himself. In his hands, a custom plasma machine gun, already loaded and looking fairly dangerous. He stared at the newcomers, his red eye glowing faintly.
The second was a taller, muscular man, wearing a suit of New Californian Republic Ranger armor, his helm-like mask's lens glowing red as his tan, tattered coat fluttered slightly. On his back was a massive sniper rifle, something you wouldn't want to get shot by, and at his side a 500 Magnum revolver. His left hand was covered in a heavy gauntlet of some kind.
And the third? Giggling madly, her hair it's typical bright turquoise, wearing a grey and black coat with bright blue highlights, along with a light set of armor under it, was Isabelle Haynes, AKA Iza. In her hands was Perma-Fix, her signature slug-firing shotgun. At her side, her submachine gun "Le Poppah", and on her back, a large curved sword. She smiled somewhat evilly as the three approached, watching them with grey eyes. [/i][/b]
[i]"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S JUST KILL EM!"[/i] [b][i]Screamed Angry loudly, as if he hadn't shot anyone in a while.[/i][/b]
[u]"Chill out..."[/u] [b][i]The Ranger spoke, not drawing his revolver just yet. He wanted to see what was up first.[/i][/b]
[spoiler][i]I don't want to set the world, on, fire...[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]"It's all over..."[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler]but the crying...[/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]Well I'm the type of guy, who will, never settle down...[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]AD VICTORIAM[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler]AVE, TRUE TO CAESAR![/spoiler]
[spoiler]TUNNEL SNAKES ROOL[/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]Uh... "Another settlement needs your help!"[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]BETTER DEAD THAN RED[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]PROBABILITY OF RED CHINESE VICTORY:[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]I mean, yeah... IMPOSSIBLE[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]Well of course. DEMOCRACY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE So zero percent[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]Oh! Right.[/i][/spoiler]
[spoiler][i]Ne-hey there's the highroller![/i][/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler] Dunno why but i feel like Junkrat from Overwatch should be on this team.[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Lol. Iza is practically Junkrat. Well, she is in Gydaton. Here, she's nice, lovable, ETC. Gydaton, she's still those. But in combat, she's -blam!-ing nuts.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Yeah. If at first you don't succeed, blow em up again[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]Ladies and gentlemen...start your engines! Now thinking about it, Iza does love cars, drugs, and guns. Junkrat uses a racing quote, is probably a druggie of some kind, and is absolutely insane. Huh.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Now all she needs is a fatass with a shotgun and a hook[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]There's Smough.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]XD[/spoiler] -
Bramd - old
[spoiler] Whenever I think of roadhog I think of a fatass scorpion[/spoiler] [spoiler]GET OVER HEREEE[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]i guess mei is a female sub zero?[/spoiler]