originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]let me gain back my position.[/spoiler]
[b]three people in armour approach the Dojo.
One is a man in full armour and helmet covering his face with a Claymore.
Another is an older looking man with stubble has a scythe.
And the other looks the youngest and very beautiful, her massive sword is strapped to her back.[/b]
Erin: Lego... Are we there yet?
Lego the mule knight: Ugh erin we are here!
Jago: man you're still cranky after that guy impaled you.
Lego: Don't bring that back up you bloody hollow.
Jago: what? I drew out my true strength i couldn't resist... And i just forgot to reverse the effects.
Erin: Guys who you're embarrassing us! We're here now so stop bickering, people Are watching.
[b]A group of four people walk past them.
The main one has blue storm trooper like armour and an axe on his back.
Another looks latina with a red dress and grappling hook.
Another has a green suit and hat like he just walked out of a poker game.
The final one looks strange, she looks normal but has a pair of bear ears out of the top of her head, she also has a cleaver with the handle and a leaver like from a Winchester.[/b]
Nate: God and i thought our Team was dysfunctional.
Niña: you're not wrong.
Luke: i know right?
Amaranth: ehh i wager we are worse some times.
(both open)
[spoiler]DarkSouls and RWBY overload[/spoiler]
Edited by SwarmIntellect: 8/20/2016 12:03:23 AMRedacted
Edited by Cazberry Pie: 8/19/2016 11:26:08 PM[b][i]The gates open slowly as a tired-looking man, mid-twenties, walks out of the dojo. His hair is a dark gray, his skin light olive. His left eye is bright green, but the other eye is the strange part of his head. The skin around the right was completely burnt off, a 3-inch diameter showing the soulsteel underneath. The eye itself was a mechanical, completely red sphere, which acted as a camera, attached to the man's brain. He wore a black, sleeveless shirt, and black jeans, a brown belt with many pockets to store small items strapped to his waist. His arms were completely mechanical, up to his shoulders, and while his legs were hidden by his jeans, it was clear that they were mechanical, as well. In his left hand, he holds an E12 clarinet with size 6 reeds. The tired man looks up to the new (eh) faces arriving at the dojo, sighing. He had other things to worry about, but that did not mean he could blow off his duties. So he nodded, his dark gray hair blowing in the calm, east to west breeze.[/i][/b] "I take it you wish to enter?" [b][i]He asks. His voice was intelligent, like that of a scientist's. It was clear that he wasn't much of a fighter, but would fight for the right reasons. And he would fight well, as in, polished, smooth, and gracefully, unlike many he knew. He was not a bloodthirsty beast, but a refined researcher with a gun or two.[/i][/b]
This post has spoilers than my last fight.
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Bitch, gonna double time this shit. I'll take them all on at once!!![/spoiler] *Shadow and Valeyard stand before the gates, twin smirks on their face as they watch the weaklings crawl back to the Dojo in shame* "Well, Valey, ready for some fun?" [i]When am I not?[/i] *Valeyard cloaks himself in light, blinding any who look at him. Shadow simply draws an old revolver and a large sword with what looks like a gun built into it, loading the revolver with rounds that glow cherry-red*
Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/18/2016 8:45:52 AMAmaranth: hey look, another huntress.
*Shadow grins as Valeyard steps out of the light in Angel mode. She spins the loaded revolver a bit before vanishing. Valeyard charges the group, a gale of wind following behind him*
[b]the War band engages Vale yard with shields up, VNLA enages shadow.[/b]
*The war group is blasted away as Valeyard sends the gale at them with a flap of his wings. Shadow re-appears behind Niña and bends her over backwards, snapping her spine. She vanishes again before the rest of the group can move*
[spoiler]did you just, i think you just... Yeah you did.[/spoiler] [b]the Warband roll through the blast. When shadow grabs Niña her aura prevents And breakages but chips into it considerably and weakening her. Luke punches her in the face and swings his axe at the back of your knees.[/b] [spoiler]aura is a limited force all huntsman and huntress' from RWBY possess, prevents grievous bodily harm but is limited and can be chipped down And i did say it would be a gank.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Rules say you can't kill members. You aren't a member.[/spoiler] *Shadow easily blocks the fist to the face, smirking as the axe is deflected by a blade of shadow. Valeyard spreads his wings and embers swirl in the air and build up into a fiery whirlwind around the Warband. Shadow unleashes a blast of her own aura, the dark energy spreading outwards in a destructive corona. The whole huntress/RWBY team is sent flying with their auras shattered.* [spoiler]You wanted the greatness of the Old Dojo? This is the power of a Veteran.[/spoiler]
Edited by Orn: 8/19/2016 9:43:03 PM[spoiler]Holy shit.[/spoiler]
[quote][spoiler]You wanted the greatness of the Old Dojo? This is the power of a Veteran.[/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]1, I'm talking about the change of the meta. 2, i got kicked for using cosmic iron and you can do shit like this?[/spoiler]
Hmph. You had no scientific or backstory applicable reason for why your pathetic "cosmic iron" was unable to be cut through. The idea of making such stuff into a suit of armor is even more ridiculous. My characters, however, have plenty of backstory and history to go along with their weapons and armor. Besides, are you complaining? About what? The fact that you are losing to someone with a much higher skill level than yours simply because you have not made and effort to win? Or is it because you are too afraid to win? Tell me that, Lego.
[spoiler]you directly violated rule 3 of the dojo. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]hardly. I'm just actually fighting.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]these characters are tweaked to the new standard [/spoiler]
[spoiler]all 7?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Heck yea[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You're gonna get ganked to oblivion[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Try me then.[/spoiler]
Alright. [b]the Warband and Team VNLA get up and engage them.[/b]
[spoiler]Copy cat, Gunblade is my thing....[/spoiler]