Ok I'm just gonna rant this out, sick and tired of [b]The Last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in the crucible.
'But sir, they are meta guns that do well in pvp'
No one cares how big your damn ego is, oh look at me, im the king! of the damn castle cause I copy what gun is meta ooooooo.
People who use [b]The last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in crucible are [b]scrubs[/b] who can't think outside the box and just copy and paste everything!
[b]What the Hell![/b]
Do you think its funny to to ram [b]Universal Remote[/b] up a titan's behind?
Do you think it's funny when [b]The Last Word[/b] lands you on the recieving end of hate mail?
Do you want to get reported cause some poor little child thinks your cheating?
Then stop using [b]cheap[/b] meta guns!
Scrub guns [b]ARE META GUNS!
Don't need no skills for them what-so-ever so yeah[b] SCRUB GUNS![/b]
At the end of the day I'd rather pick a gun I want to use and be unique with skills and so on over being a cabbage who uses overpower meta guns to beat down some massive invisible threat. (like, where's the fire?)
Stay lonely at the top or drop the meta guns and have fun with others while dying more often, choose your poison.
Also.....stop wasting time posting salty msg's, I don't care....just shows how childish brats can be when you take their bottle. Yeah...what? Come at me bro? Giving me more rubbish to laugh at? Bring it on! Just shows that you weren't here when the game launched in September 2014. Get over it and just embrace the nerfs in the name of balance. LMFAO
Well the vex still works to me....... Soooo no 😂
What a whiny little bitch.
I don't use either of those guns and even I think you should STFU. If the gun is in the game, people have the right to use it. If you don't like how the game is, play something else.
Edited by Brimstone: 8/6/2016 2:56:13 AMSo what should I use then? MIDA? NO THAT IS META YOU SUCK! Oh alright. My Doctrine that I got when I went on my second flawless? :D -blam!- YOU YOU'RE A DISGRACE!! Wow sorry... How about Tlaloc? ARE YOU KIDDING ME WARLOCKS ARE ALREADY BROKEN THIS IS WORSE THAN MIDA BLARBLGBLGBLG- *eats a pillow* I just got this good Uffern from the gunsmith, I waited a few weeks for a good ro- *actually explodes* Uhh... D: That blue pulse rifle I got from my last strike...? YEA, THAT ALRIGHT USE THAT. This shit is getting rediculous.
I used the last word for a bit to do the jolly holliday quest. Does that make me a scrub? (even more of a scrub than i already am?)
[quote]Ok I'm just gonna rant this out, sick and tired of [b]The Last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in the crucible. 'But sir, they are meta guns that do well in pvp' [b]NO!![/b] No one cares how big your damn ego is, oh look at me, im the king! of the damn castle cause I copy what gun is meta ooooooo. People who use [b]The last Word[/b] and [b]Universal Remote[/b] in crucible are [b]scrubs[/b] who can't think outside the box and just copy and paste everything! [b]What the Hell![/b] Do you think its funny to to ram [b]Universal Remote[/b] up a titan's behind? Do you think it's funny when [b]The Last Word[/b] lands you on the recieving end of hate mail? Do you want to get reported cause some poor little child thinks your cheating? Then stop using [b]cheap[/b] meta guns! Scrub guns [b]ARE META GUNS! [/b] Don't need no skills for them what-so-ever so yeah[b] SCRUB GUNS![/b] At the end of the day I'd rather pick a gun I want to use and be unique with skills and so on over being a cabbage who uses overpower meta guns to beat down some massive invisible threat. (like, where's the fire?) Stay lonely at the top or drop the meta guns and have fun with others while dying more often, choose your poison. [b]END![/b][/quote] This is hilarious, post something else ! :)
Git gud instead
What's a scrub anyway?
I'm using Last Word to get my 10 Handcannon kills for Shaxx's bounties. When I get killed by the same weapon, I assume the other player is doing the same. Got nothing for Universal Remote though. Perhaps counter it the same way you'd counter any other shotgun? I'm awful in crucible, but I don't whine if I get killed or outplayed. It's a game, have fun with it.
a) why should I, or anyone for that matter, care which weapons you want/don't want me to use? b) why does it even bother you in first place? ...live and let live ;)
PVP has been ruined - old
TLW don't agree. Universal Remote, I think u have something there. I would say overpowered and scrubby. I use neither. -
Or are you a scrub who can't think outside the box of the meta and counter it. That might be it.
I used to use UR before it was cool... I'm STILL gonna use it now... And I'm gonna use it MORE now thanks to your biatching OP :)
Obviously they are picking the guns they wanna use. Yes there's an over saturation of last word and universal but guess what you can still kill them. So stop complaining and abusing people who use the meta they're enjoying them self. So stop worrying about what other people are doing and just do you
Maybe when you stop blaming guns as to the reason you suck you might be better. Learn to adapt because there will always be a new best gun and the sooner you realize that's it's your fault you die the sooner we can be saved by dumb posts like these
Dry your tears guardian. Im no crucible legend, but I'm sick of hearing this meta word. Oh I use eyesluna, longbow and corrective measure, wahh you're using meta. Oh i use grasp, plan c and ruin wake, you suck you have meta, oh I use mida, conspiracy theory and tormods bellows, mahhhm he's using the metaaa, come wipe my azs and force feed me a chimichangaaaa. Stfu and grind out some good rolls and strike exclusives like I and thousands of other people have done, or stay TF out of pvp. So many fcuking tit sacks in this community.
For me to use either would be outside the box!! But with tlw I'm going to have a kd under 1 no matter what. When I went to mida yes mida pdx nirwens I do much better. I know it's a rant but once you take a breath and think maybe people like using these guns , I run with guns that feel cool to use both pve and pvp it's a video game.
It would've made your topic seem less whiny if you linkedbyour accounts lol
[quote]Introducing...the Scrub The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. [b]I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about.[u] A scrub does not play to win. [/u] [/b]Now, everyone begins as a poor player—it takes time to learn a game to get to a point where you know what you’re doing. There is the mistaken notion, though, that by merely continuing to play or “learn” the game, one can become a top player. [b]In reality, [u]the “scrub” has many more mental obstacles to overcome [/u]than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. He’s lost the game even before deciding which game to play. [u]His problem? He does not play to win.[/u] [/b][b]The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, [u]but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevents him from ever truly competing.[/u] These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant.[/b] Let’s take a fighting game off of which I’ve made my gaming career: Street Fighter. ............ [b]A common call of the scrub is to cry that the kind of play in which one tries to win at all costs is “boring” or “not fun.” Who knows what objective the scrub has, [u]but we know his objective is not truly to win.[/u][/b] Yours is. Your objective is good and right and true, and let no one tell you otherwise. You have the power to dispatch those who would tell you otherwise, anyway. Simply beat them. Let’s consider two groups of players: a group of good players and a group of scrubs. [b]The scrubs will play “for fun” and not explore the extremities of the game. They won’t find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly. [u]The good players wi[/u]ll.[/b] The good players will find incredibly overpowering tactics and patterns. As they play the game more, they’ll be forced to find counters to those tactics. The vast majority of tactics that at first appear unbeatable end up having counters, though they are often quite subtle and difficult to discover. Knowing the counter tactic prevents the other player from using his tactic, but he can then use a counter to your counter. You are now afraid to use your counter and the opponent can go back to sneaking in the original overpowering tactic. This concept will be covered in much more detail later. [b]The good players are reaching higher and higher levels of play. They found the “cheap stuff” and abused it.[u] They know how to stop the cheap stuff[/u].[/b] They know how to stop the other guy from stopping it so they can keep doing it. And as is quite common in competitive games, many new tactics will later be discovered that make the original cheap tactic look wholesome and fair. Often in fighting games, one character will have something so good it’s unfair. Fine, let him have that. As time goes on, it will be discovered that other characters have even more powerful and unfair tactics. Each player will attempt to steer the game in the direction of his own advantages, much how grandmaster chess players attempt to steer opponents into situations in which their opponents are weak. ..... Can you imagine what will happen when the two groups of players meet? [b]The experts will absolutely destroy the scrubs with any number of tactics they’ve either never seen or never been truly forced to counter. [u]This is because the scrubs have not been playing the same game[/u]. The experts were playing the actual game while the scrubs were playing their own homemade variant with restricting, unwritten rules.[/b][/quote] http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub
Hate em too lol But I just use them back even the playing field https://youtu.be/ZTGBgO_pds8
Your poor parents.
Runts are so sweet and delicious. Oh, this was a rant? I'll be leaving now. 😭
Both of those guns can easily be countered.
And here in their natural habitat hidden behind a Bull crap profile is the elusive whiny little arsehole..... Who's mission it is to troll as best he can.... Let's watch the whiny arsehole go
Stop dying by them and I bet they will stop using them........just saying
Edited by GhostWriter: 8/6/2016 6:32:12 AMsigh. whatever, man. people use what they want to use. [spoiler]although I completely agree that using different guns is more fun for me[/spoiler]