You mean exotic bounties? I think they're dropping that system entirely and sticking with the exotic quest system like in TTK.
They were called that but it was really a quest .... I just mean doing things in game that go along with the lore of the item/weapon/armor that's what we did in Y1 and they did that some with ToM in TTK Don't want it to be like go kill X or do X strike and here ya go an exotic it won't add to the game in any way
Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 8/3/2016 2:46:45 PMBut that's kind of what the bounties did, too. Open chests until you find the super good advice frame and go get 500 machine gun kills, complete 25 strikes for bad juju, collect 50 special ammo synths for Invective, void kills in the crucible for thorn, etc.