"Aye. Advice we shall keep in Mind in this wretched place. I wish you luck with whatever you will do after we depart."
"thank you, brothers" The dark angel indicated the four to step through the open doorway into the large chamber.
They entered, now going to search for anyone inside the place of their own.
Just as the door was closing behind them, a silent shimmering aura encased the dark angel, but he did not react to it. His robes and armour seemed to float and flicker away into nothingness, like shattered glass dissolving. The aura dispersed soon after to reveal a slender woman figure in place of the space marine, adorned in checkered colours and bright patterns, and holding a mystic staff of some sort. Her face was entirely masked in a featureless blank visored helmet. Her eyes stayed fixed on the backs of the marine's as the doors finally shut, cutting off her vision.
[spoiler]Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit...[/spoiler] Kio had turned his back as the door closed, but only when there was a little crack left open. He raised his brow, but assumed that he was just seeing things.. Probably... They continued their trek into the Camp, looking around them as they went.
[spoiler]it was her the whole tiemmmmm duh duh duh![/spoiler]
[spoiler]:00000000 >waiting for something to attack them out of nowhere[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nah, shadowseers don't do that. Most times huehue[/spoiler]