Farin shakes his head, failing to recognize them. "No. There are many chapters...'tis difficult to remember any." He lowers his weapons and heads towards them.
They wait patiently, and more formally greet him when he arrives. "I am Tirus," He pointed at the Other Marine and Dreadnought. "That is Cerex, and that is our Venerable Dreadnought, Domicanus. They were the only others of my chapter I could find after we arrived here."
Edited by FriedUpChicken: 7/30/2016 7:29:40 PMFarin meets up with them. They automatically know that he is of the Space Wolves Chapter, as they have made themselves popular throughout the years; particularly their rebellious nature against the Codex Astartes itself. "And I am Farin, the Annihilator. Of the Space Wolves."
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 7/30/2016 9:25:43 PM"Aye, it is a pleasure to meet you, Farin." Yes, they knew this, however they respected the fact that the Wolves didn't do everything by the book.
[spoiler]He said his name xD[/spoiler]
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 7/30/2016 9:24:03 PM[spoiler]Fuuuuu, I was trying to think of a reply before the edit xD just a sec[/spoiler]