Hey Bungie, i can't understand why you allow this crap in Pvp-modes like Skirmish, Salvage and Elimination (Trials of Osiris)... I (and maybe every other Person in this game) can be spawntraped while the Revive-Animation... (What i mean is the Problem with resc-sniping). Destiny is no CoD so we don't want Spawnkilling. Make the Shields like they was while House of Wolves! I can't belive that you think that Spawntraping (Rescue-Sniping) with Sniperrifles is Skill... That is only a unfair and unnecessary Feature in Pvp. Fix that Shit or Wipe this possible Spawntraping after Revive from this Game. Without Spawntraping would Trials maybe playable and fair for each normal Player on Xbox One. The Matches on Xbox shouldn't decide with Spawntraping the Ghostpoints AND to strong Weapons. It should decide with skill which one Team win the match. [u][b]DO IT![/b][/u]
And by the Way: [b][u]Bann every Player who carry for Money other Player to the Lighthouse![/u][/b]
[b]And at last: When this Problem exist in Rise of Iron i quit Pvp and don't Play again this crappy Crucible![/b]
Is English your 3rd language? #Trump4President #BuildtheWall
You died. They killed you. This should not give you the advantage of being able to be invincible, it should put you and your team at a disadvantage while your dead and while you need to be ressed. Don't want to get res sniped? Don't die.
Lol, how about you learn how to prevent it? Yeah, there's a way.
Stay out of trials.
It's not spawn trapping. It's your lazy ass team mates ressing you into a hardscoper.
Sorry, but you don't speak for me. If you're getting killed on revives, blame your teammates. If you're getting killed after Self-Res, that's your fault. Spawntrapping doesn't mean what you think it means. You are referring to revive kills. Should Bungie remove it from the game? No. Why? Because we don't all find it to be a problem. As far as yr1... This happened in yr1 as well. It's nothing new. Of all of the things to complain about, you complain about something that is based on your teammates, or yourself. Majority of the time, you can revive before a teammate ever gets to you. Guess what happens when you decide to revive on your own? You magically get sent back to the spawn point.
I just hear everyone talk about snipers - as if it is the only weapon used in Trials.... but then I watched my son play Trials and realized - that is all everyone played with. Carry on.
Someone has never played a halo game before.
Maybe you should get better teammates.
Why? I once agreed with your side, but I though about it, why should you be rewarded when you died and they got the kill it should be hard to Rez because that tips the battle and who will win.
Edited by bilbo t baginzz: 7/30/2016 12:18:21 AMThe only game type where there is REAL spawn trapping is RIFT. How the -blam!- does someone spawn trap in ToO. I dont think you know what spawn trapping is. EDIT: i read that again and its shockingly stupid.
This needs to be fixed as well
Edited by SkoomaSmuggler: 7/30/2016 12:05:06 AMFirst things first, it's your teammates fault for reviving you while someone's watching your orb To add onto that, your teammate could simply push you. If they actually played smart Itd become a natural instinct to do that in the first place especially if the other teams using snipers Second, there's only a split second of time where you have a chance to rez snipe And finally, you could still rez snipe back in house of wolves...and if I recall correctly, it was much easier back then
What the hell did he just say??? Of course I voted "didn't realize" 👍🏼
[spoiler][quote]Hey Bungie, i can't understand why you allow this crap in Pvp-modes like Skirmish, Salvage and Elimination (Trials of Osiris)... I (and maybe every other Person in this game) can be spawntraped while the Revive-Animation... (What i mean is the Problem with resc-sniping). Destiny is no CoD so we don't want Spawnkilling. Make the Shields like they was while House of Wolves! I can't belive that you think that Spawntraping with Sniperrifles is Skill... That is only a unfair and unnecessary Feature in Pvp. Fix that Shit or Wipe this possible Spawntraping after Revive from this Game. Without Spawntraping would Trials maybe playable and fair for each normal Player on Xbox One. The Matches on Xbox shouldn't decide with Spawntraping the Ghostpoints AND to strong Weapons. It should decide with skill which one Team win the match. [u][b]DO IT![/b][/u] And by the Way: [b][u]Bann every Player who carry for Money other Player to the Lighthouse![/u][/b][/quote][/spoiler] Ok try making sense? Its your or your team mates fault for reviving you while someone is scoping your ghost. And why would bungie listen to some kid who can't even make a proper sentence while crying?
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
OP's post is 57 kilograms of [b][i]NOPE[/i][/b] in a 10 gram baggie. -
Edited by 0interestrates: 7/29/2016 11:44:59 PMwhoever voted spawn killing takes skill has no skill, or class.
Edited by Obi Wan Cannoli: 7/29/2016 10:26:56 PM[quote][/quote]
U know if u slide into them they get pushed out of the way... It even works during the i frames. If ur whole team knows this the problem is solved
What bungie should do is that if you die in trials you stay dead with no revive.
With Spawntraping I mean the follow: Sniping on a Ghostpoint and killing the revived Player instantly after the revive and instant-kill of Warlocks while selv-rescue!
My favorite is in rumble when 2 people get the same spawn point. Happened to me once and me and the other random just stared at each other for awhile before going our separate ways. As if to acknowledge the ridiculousness of it.
How are they spawn trapping in trials? You spawn on opposite sides.. Though one side typically has a greater advantage (on most maps.) I'm not being a dick, I'm genuinely curious on what you mean.
I don't...I don't even...what?