I'm fine with Fusions and sidearms, but snipers that get headshots and shotguns that don't do a shotgun melee are dumb.
Lol. Thanks! I got so many giggles out of the comments
We need to be able to down vote a post into negative numbers.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
This isn't your average, everyday bait... This is...[b][i]advanced bait[/i][/b]... -
I would amend your statement to say no weapon beyond a direct rocket hit should be a one hit kill. This would achieve bungies goal of more primary usage.
Primary - 3 shot Secondary - 2 shot Heavy- 1 shot Thats how it should be.
Lol r u serious?
If i headshot you, thats probably not my fault. The crucible is centered around spacial awareness, and i get shotgunned while aiming my sniper TOO F*CKING MUCH!
I think damage should be similar to Halo, because you stay alive longer and it's a lot more fun.
I would be cool with this.
Scrubs are coming to down-vote
Yeah because you really should be able to tank a high powered rifle round to the head or a shotgun blast at point blank range.
The only way pve will do better then pvp is if bungie releases new content monthly and change how guns work. The weapon archetypes make every gun essentially a reskin of something else. It is heavily flawed. Pvp kept this game alive because pve got hella stagnent because the reward wasn't worth the time. Please refrain from posting ignorant shit. Thank you.
My goodness. Crying again? Did a shotgunner wreck you with UR and then pull out his sniper and wreck you with that too?
It's a sniper.. They will always and should always be 1 shot to the head. I hate the amount of snipers in pvp but this is just dumb. They need sway or make games like inferno for special ammo.
Yeah just ruin snipers and shotguns even more for PvE. Trying to trigger me?
You serial? Err....serious?
Pve guardians should not post about pvp stuff...
This girl. I like to believe she is the leader of nerf horde. All she does is complain and call for nerfs. Ruining game since day 1. Bungo please nerf her from this forum
I actually agree. (for balance reasons) Snipers should be a 2 shot to the head (one to knock the shields down and one for the kill) to compensate increase rate of fire. Same thing with shotguns, (2 to yhe head) but give them a range increase. Lore wise, As guardians what enemy of equal power has the ability to oneshot us. On that note a lot of the enemies we face that are close to our power can't be oneshot either. So in effect he is correct if they want weapons to function in the crucible like they do in the field those weapons shouldn't oneshot.
It's a little early to be drinking and drunk posting in the forums.... Please compose yourself and stop posting silly ideas that make no sense.
Nice b8 m8
So snipers shouldn't be a 1 hit kill with a headshot and shotguns shouldn't at point blank range? That's just crazy talk.
You've already admitted in this thread that your intent is to ruin PvP to the point of being unplayable. Maybe you should try being up front about your intent when you post ridiculous nerf requests.