When Leonidas got close, he equipped a Power Fist and Wrist Mounted Storm Bolter. He made quick work of a few Bloodletters.
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 7/29/2016 8:54:28 PMThe Giants unleashed fire from their Boltpistols, before coming up close and giving those Bloodletters a mouthful of Power Sword.
Leonidas now was armed with a Nemesis Power Glaive. He spun it in a circle, making it rain blood.
A few Bloodletters were obliterated by Domicanus' Multi-Melta. Soon enough they had wiped the good with the Daemons.
Leonidas sheathed his weapons. "Well that's that then." Iratus was still beating a Daemon to death with his bare hands.
Nearby, they could hear rounds from Bolters and such. "Do you hear that?"
Leonidas nodded. "Indeed. Hopefully other Astartes." Iratus came back to the group, covered in blood. "[b]WHO'S NEXT?![/b]"
"It's time to find out." They started towards the sound of Bolter Fire, still carrying their Power Swords and Boltpistols.