"I share the answer as everyone else on this ship, if you would call it that. No."
"That is unfortunate... Surely we will find Answers in due time. But I suppose it remains a mystery for now."
"[b]Who cares how we got 'ere? There's heads to be rolled and blood to be spilt![/b]" The Berzerker laughed at the mention of murder.
"Because there's more blood to be spilled outside of the place, and I like the idea of a way to regroup with the rest of my Chapter."
"I'm afraid that getting off this ship isn't so easy. It's part Warp, part living. Anything and everything roams these halls."
"THEN WE SHALL CRUSH THEM BENEATH OUR FEET." The Dreadnought finally spoke up, having been really quiet previously.
"Don't expect it to be that easy. There's things in here beyond even my comprehension."
"Then we should be on Guard at all times, you never know what could pop out of the shadows.."
"It's not the shadows I'm worried about..." Leonidas said in an ominous tone, looking at the walls.
"I fear we may not be prepared for what this place has in store for us. I am hopeful that we find more of our Battle Brothers."
"Hope isn't something you should have here. Don't try to hold onto something that doesn't exist. What matters here is survival. And sanity."
"YOU ARE JUST A RAY OF SUNSHINE, NOW AREN'T YOU?" Domicanus Spoke up again.
"No. I'm a realist."
"I know."
Leonidas sighed, and continued to walk.
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 7/28/2016 6:00:38 PM[b] [/b]
[spoiler]Time Jump?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Time Jump...[/spoiler]
Edited by Cmdr Dornick: 7/28/2016 5:44:02 PM[A Couple Hours Later] They had been walking, seemingly endlessly, with nothing in sight but the long halls. It was eerily quiet,possibly the calm before the storm...
Leonidas stayed on his toes. So was Iratus. Their fingers twitching with anticipation to draw their weapons.
Soon enough they got their chance. Bloodletters could be seen in the distance, however whatever they were doing wasn't.
[spoiler]BOOO, BLOODTHIRSTER FTW[/spoiler]
Iratus let out a growl of pleasure, as he drew his two axes, revving them loudly and letting out a war cry. He charged relentlessly. Leonidas drew his Plasma Gun and marched towards the Daemons.
The Imperial Giants followed, as the Bloodletters turned to see their challengers, before moving towards them.