Tlaloc isn't "OP" at all. Warlocks have to give up using their super at all just to activate it's special perk, AND if warlocks do end up using their super they are stuck with just a plain scout rifle with a cool design. Just because the gun kills in a short time doesn't mean it's overpowered what so ever.
It's a good scout rifle that becomes godly when you hold onto your super. You get your super, on average, about 2 times every game. What people do is they hold onto their super all game with a godly scout rifle and then use it at the end of the game. In my opinion, the scout rifle is ridiculous. Especially for it being a warlock exclusive.
How many times do you run into it? I've only seen 3 in the crucible since the release of TTK, and the gun makes you not use you're super and there are SO many ways to counter it. Sniper shot to the head, shotguns, supers, melee, and much more.
You almost never see Tlaloc in crucible. It's an amazing gun that is super fun to use but I like smashing people's faces in with nova bombs every chance I get.
It is completely broken and recognized by the best in the game as such.
It doesn't work when competetive players set up their own lobby of two fire teams. You're clearly another shit head who thinks if a weapon is called overpowered it must be nerved.
Nah, it's op but I never said it should be nerfed. What they did to it with competitive pvp was pretty good. Now if you give it elemental damage it will just be used in every scenario in pve.
Something's telling me you've used fabian strategy...
Don't even have it lol