[quote]That'll get it nerfed...[/quote] Nope cause it won't effect PVP
Edited by oldmanherbert60: 7/26/2016 10:03:14 PMExactly this Tlaloc won't be nerfed just so as long as players using it aren't always winning in Crucible every time they use it,but i can tell ya this the second some little Whiny Crybaby can't adapt in crucible and isn't able to beat a player using Tlaloc they'll come here like they do %100 of the time Whining how it's too over powered and Bungie will Nerf it as their Salty and Butt hurt. Do i think the Tlaloc needs Elemental Damage added to it ...No as you trade being able to use your Super just to use the Overflow Perk,and to be honest it's already a great primary but a complete Beast with Overflow active, but if it wasn't the Tlaloc but the Fabian strategy or the Still peircer for hunters that had a Perk like the Tlaloc players would crying saying it's Over Powered like some have posted here saying already. I just find it funny though if it was the Titan or the Hunter Exclusive class weapon they wouldn't be so opposed to it especially if their exclusive class weapon could stack up against a Tlaloc and was as powerful as the Tlaloc is, but since it's not Titans and Hunters are Obviously going to say no but either way i don't care if it becomes an elemental primary but if it stays as is that's fine with me too as it's good as it is i think.