Before you go buffing Tlaloc, let's fix Fabian Strategy so it can function.
Lets not forget immobus
Immobius should have crowd control instead of surrounded, +10 range and be the same archetype as the comedian
I like that
what's that got to do with anything? that's not a Warlock weapon
It's one of the three class exotics that is easily the biggest waste of an exotic slot. My point was to balance other weapons before going about making one - if not [i]the[/i] - best scout rifles in the game better.
but why? Warlocks can't even use those, so who cares if they're bad?
Well that took me [i]way[/i] too long to find the troll.
Really tho, Fabian is a flawed concept the Exotic perk activates, just when your Titan is up close and in punchy-mode Once I suggested they should totally redo it, how about that shield on the front? Say, it gives you increased damage resistance when crouching? Like Gueriilla Fighter, except your cover is bolted to the front of the gun.
Honestly the perk would be good if they increased the radius and the effectiveness of the perk.