Because I know that someone on my team will go take Zone A and flip our spawn. EVERY -blam!-ING TIME. Even when we control both B and C, they will go take A.
And if the enemy starts taking C, causing the spawn to flip, the randoms won't do the smart thing and go fight to take it back. Hell no. Too much work. They'll go over to the unoccupied and undefended Zone A and proudly take it. Sometimes they'll dance, the morons. It never occurs to them that there's a REASON it's undefended: the other team is BEGGING YOU to go take it.
A Control match on Shores of Time, between 2 teams that both know what they're doing, will revolve around taking zones B and C. The only time ANYONE will take A is when Bravo takes it as their first zone. After that, there is NO reason whatsoever to ever see any announcement regarding Zone A. NONE. WHATSOEVER. I don't care if you lost all your zones; go take B or C. DON'T take A. It just makes things worse.
My name is Dog of War and I approved this message.
This map is one of the most one sided maps in the game. Love the map but if you control the C side you win easily.
Often tempted to back out anymore. Unless I'm in a 6 man team, which is rare, just can't be bothered with SOT. It's badly unbalanced.
If you have a good team it doesn't matter, if you have a bad team it still doesn't matter. If I start at A I'll run to B, sure enough someone will take A.......I have never landed at C and not have someone from the other Team take should take A, there is no Guarantee you will over take C let alone B if your playing with randoms, taking A at least gives you a Points Bonus for each kill and Zone Defense if they get close enough. If you do take C insure someone stays near it, by the back slope.....tends to help prevent respawns of the Enemy Team and forces them to A, eventually someone from that team will capture it. I GUARANTEE IT!
I do it cos I know it makes ppl like u so salty! Capping A FTL
What I do is if I see A starting to get taken I go back and camp at C, that way enemies won't spawn over there, and usually that teammate at A will get overran and spawn back at C. Just keep an eye on your teammates, and or the zone indicators.
It never fails. Even if a team I'm on is winning they'll do it. Ive posted on the forums before if you take 2 zones you win. The third isn't needed. It's one thing if they take c then you get A but if something goes wrong and you can't hold all 3 so many times it sends things into chaos.
Better than blind watch tbh
hate that map
i have raged so many times about this.
Lol Thankyou for saying something. My buddy and I play together every night and we're always paired with questionable players. Pure stupidity.
You're exactly right my friend and I LOVE it when I'm playing against a team that's that stupid lol. I'll get a double phantom damn near every time. My kills are guaranteed to be 20 or above with nothing less than a double digit k/d. So from me to you please tell your buds that I said "Thank you" lol.
So take A. Gotcha
I'll do what I want
False. Anyone who plays control with a brain knows that your main goal is to control two zones. It DOES NOT matter what the spawns are. Deal with it you just cant adapt
I would prefer to own A and keep B/C swapping hands than to be constantly losing C/B. Owning at least 1 zone gives your team a solid base. YES, when you control C/B it is irritating to see A being captured though. That tends to trigger me to pull way back to dominate the C spawn until A is returned to the enemies. This can be a vital regrouping moment for a good team as it takes pressure off B. I think generally speaking that your problem is that people don't know how to play control and Shores of Time is one of the BEST control maps for interesting play between good teams.
Hilarious. Get a life.
If it's a matter of points at the end ill def cap A
You can spawn trap at either A or C. One at the C side opening at A, two at B, one in the courtyard in front of B, two floating in the middle area and people on C aren't going anywhere.
Edited by Rimuru Tempest: 7/25/2016 9:37:30 AMIf the enemy has captured all zones and it is proving too difficult to capture zones B and C at the time, then zone A will still have to be taken so the losing team will still be able to gain more points from the zone capture multiplier. Zone A is there for many reasons. Stop being so closed minded.
I honestly can't tell you how many times I've won control on Shores by controlling A and C
I make it a point to take A and defend it as long as I can while my team slugs it out elsewhere. It's relatively easy to defend, corrals enemies when it's super time, and guarantees your team heavy ammo if you can hold it.
What cringes me more is that some players wouldn't bother helping teammates capping/defending the zones...
I hate randoms that captures a zone, and leave it behind..
Edited by ReaperBlack_201: 7/25/2016 8:18:57 AMyet you are an another moron...
Maybe if you were a better player, your team could maybe triple cap
Real champs cap A Git guuuuuuudddddddddd!