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Edited by RickyBobby0504: 7/24/2016 11:36:27 PM

What do you Main and why?







Which do you main in either PvE or PvP and why? I love the Defender Titan in both PvP (when I rarely play) and PvE. I think it's the most useful and versatile of the class/subclasses. It can be used offensively and defensively, and you can't say that having one on your team is ever a bad thing. Edit: Holy monkey! I have gotten way more responses than expected! Love hearing just why people love their class. Very creative in some cases! Honestly surprised to not see class smack talk yet.... Yet

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  • Started with warlock, but nog long after that started Titan. Titan is more my style, supporting team or just to smash the raisins back tot Eris. Still like my warlock, nog really into Hunter class but will use for IB

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  • I used to main hunter but the lore around the warlock class has made me switch.

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  • Been a Titan since day one

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  • I love my Hunter because Nightstalker is amazing for PvE and Hunslinger is amazing for PvP. Although I have been liking my Warlock more recently die to Sunsinger (with self-res) for PvE and Stormcaller for PvP. I barely use my Titan anymore though

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  • Warlock because space magic. [spoiler]Need I say more?[/spoiler]

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  • Back when I first started Destiny in June 2015, I started off with a Warlock as I loved the idea of them, however after getting the Warlock to the cap lvl ( [i]34[/i] ), I ended up deleting him because I really did not like the style ( [i]plus I didn't realise you had to press the A button twice to jump higher[/i] ). Ended up creating a Hunter and loved it! Fits my gameplay style. I do have a Titan and a Warlock ( [i]and have recreated both of those classes several times over[/i] ), but the only time I really log onto their characters is to get the bounties done. I enjoy the Hunter class too much.

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  • Hunter since beta, tried Titan and Warlock. Didn't care for either as they do not lend themselves to my style of play. Have a great day.

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    • [quote]Which do you main in either PvE or PvP and why? I love the Defender Titan in both PvP (when I rarely play) and PvE. I think it's the most useful and versatile of the class/subclasses. It can be used offensively and defensively, and you can't say that having one on your team is ever a bad thing. Edit: Holy monkey! I have gotten way more responses than expected! Love hearing just why people love their class. Very creative in some cases! Honestly surprised to not see class smack talk yet.... Yet[/quote] Titan - because space marines !

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      2 Replies
      • Hunter... Capes are awesome

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      • Titan- I like being a tank, Lightning grenades, and super man punching

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      • Support because it's really good for my team and oh wait they all are the same.

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      • Hunter because of Agility.

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      • Titan, because I'll fight to the last breath, also did I mention the armor?

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        Hunter because I just love the style of being a lone wolf.

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      • Warlock. You know self res... when raids mattered. First character. Titan I'm playing more right now. Because pvp is the only thing fun to do these days and titans are fun.

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        • Edited by Iyrha: 7/25/2016 2:12:58 AM
          All I play is hunter tbh, I have both other classes fully leveled and with full sets of gear, but I just don't enjoy them. I prefer bladedancer specifically. It is IMO one of the classes that revolves largely around gunskill, as the entire neutral game works around how good you are with using weapons to their maximum effectiveness.

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        • I main all three on two GT's I play all of them pretty equally I like the variety

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        • Warlock since beta.

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        • I started as a warlock, and enjoy it the most

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        • Planning on maining a Titan, for the Beta chose to give a Warlock a try. After that I fell in love.

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        • Titan because all 3 subclasses have benefits, more IMHO of all the classes

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        • 2
          A Patrolling Guardian
          A Patrolling Guardian

          See you, Space Cowboy. - old

          I love running Defender in PvE and PvP. Just knowing that your team looks to you for buffs and orbs, that a well-placed suppressor grenade can save your team from a Stormtrance or any other super, and that your exotic helmets (Helm of Saint-14 and Glasshouse) are the envy of every non-defender feels good bros. Bubble Bros get [i]allllllllll the ladies[/i]...or dudes, whatever your preference. Bubble Bros don't judge.

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          • Currently titan, but will switch to warlock for the next expansion. I started out as a hunter main when the game came out and mained warlock during alpha and beta.

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          • Hunter (not huntard) Tried him out in beta I'd rather have agility, not for running away, but to get out of melee range and get out of a snipers line of fire. Specifications. V [spoiler]PvP wise a sungun is my choice, nightstalker felt a bit too "scrubby" (no offense) because of wombo combo and shadestep, I mean if you enjoy it go ahead, it's just that Id rather make unicorns. In PvE I enjoy being supportive and thanks to nightstalker, the hunter has a supportive class so thether+blood of pack+ perk for orbs+ alpha lupi+ zhalo is the most supportive set I've found for a nightalker.[/spoiler]

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          • Titan. It felt right in year 1, feels right in year 2

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          • Hehe chode poll

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